Meet me

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They say that life is full of surprises, well I agree to that and my life is surprisingly amazing.

In October 2, 2003 a beautiful baby girl born at 7:20 in the morning, that made everyone inside their house panic yet excited. Gladly the baby is healthy and amazed them and yes, that is me and I'm amazing.

When my mother carried me for nine months she thought of  me as a baby boy, they even bought things that a baby boy need. So when I finally got out of my mother's womb all of relatives were shocked.

April Pearl I am now 16 years old. Some random times I think about my name like why is it like the month "April" so I ask my mother about it and she said that my father thought of that name. I googled my name's meaning one time and the result is astonishing, it says that my name "April" means " to open" or "opening" it is also somewhat connected to goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. And my second name "Pearl" means "important" or "precious"  and I'm stunned when I combined it all which is "to open something precious".

That became my self value though, I consider myself important and really precious and other person too because everyone is precious.

I came from a broken family. My father left us with another family, though they (my father and mother) are married. I don't even remember my father's face I was only 3 years old back then and I'm just a kid. But I've seen him in pictures tho.

It's been 14 years since he left us with no connection at all and he did not even bother to visit us. But I don't have any anger towards him if you are wondering, I'm longing for a father's love too.

Despite that I came from a broken family my mother and five other siblings were still happy and keep chasing our dreams to provide a good future and give thanks to our mother who sacrificed so many things in her life for us.

My mother told that when I was in nursery I was a lovely child that even the teachers enjoyed my company and the funny moment that she told me was, whenever I am hungry at school and it's still not break time I would ask my teacher for a food and I would eat while listening to them. Hearing that made me feel embarrassed yet I find it kinda funny.

Time passed by and my father left us and I have to transfer to a public school because we cannot afford to study at international school anymore. Going to a daycare center because I cannot be one grade one at age of three.

At age of five I started schooling at a Public school where my other relative studied I became productive there and even compete at school activities in elementary.

From grade one to grade five I'm a consistent honor student from section one. I also represent my section in poster making contest, speaking contests, quiz bees, also a girl scout of the philippines member and I am also member of our drum and lyre corps representing the school.

On my sixth grade, I've got a chance to be on the fast learners section the top section above section one to six. I was so shocked to surpass their battery test because it is hard and only few students are in that class. The environment is new to me so I have to adjust and things change when I became a student in that class they were super competitive they are the schools consistent achievers too and they compete regional and nationals.

S. Y. 2015-2016 is one of my best elementary years because I've got a chance to represent my school on a district and division contest of editorial cartooning  and we also got a chance to win Champion in district level and 3rd place on a division drum and lyre corps competition. And I became one of the student representative in our school and joined other extracurricular activities such as Yes-O and Batang Henyo.

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