Fight or Flight

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An oppressive silence hung over the hidden vault as Honey watched Cinder slowly lower her bow, a satisfied smile adorning her face as she watched her victim passing. The room reflected the sudden change, as the torches along the pillars suddenly snuffed out, leaving them to stand in the glow of the machinery behind them. Honey trembled, hands cold against the harsh tile, as she watched the murderous woman revel quietly in her victory, eyes drifting to Ozpin. Whatever plans the Headmaster had made died with the girl. That anyone could celebrate that chilled Honey to her core.

Honey heard the machine groan at the sudden death, powering down quickly now that one of its occupants had fallen. The electronic hum faded, an ear-shattering crash ripping Honey's attention to the side. The girl's body lurched as light was ripped from her, throwing the pod open as it rushed to Cinder and engulfed her. Cinder stumbled back, and for a second, Honey wondered if her plan had somehow backfired. When Cinder regained her footing – and then rose from the floor entirely – her ecstatic face promised a darker truth.

A wave of heat washed over Honey's face as Cinder floated several feet in the air, fire swirling around her as she continued to rise. Even her eyes seemed to radiate with energy as the air hummed with power, growing with each inch she rose. Cinder looked down on them all, amused at how helpless they stood against her.

Pyrrha beat against her confinement, struggling to break free. The sound spurred Jaune into action. Sword raised high in a futile attempt, he rushed forward, hoping to strike down their foe in her momentary distraction.

"Stay back!" Ozpin yelled as Jaune shouted his anger at the floating woman. He lunged at her, sword arcing forward to end the threat. As the cold steel descended, Cinder's growing power finally reached its apex, bursting from her in a brilliant flash of light that threw Jaune back and knocked Honey onto her side.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha cried in desperation. With a Semblance-enhance shove, she knocked the door to her chamber loose, launching it at the woman who dared hurt her beloved. Cinder swept her hands forward, as if to push the projectile away. Her vortex of energy swept in, launching the feeble attack away before she turned her attention back to them, heels clicking against the floor as she brought herself down to their level.

Miló and Akoúo̱ hastened to Pyrrha's hands as she charged Cinder. Pyrrha was easily one of the best fighters of their generation, but Honey wasn't sure even that would be enough against whatever strange abilities Cinder suddenly manifested. Cinder watched Pyrrha's approach curiously, making no move to brace for the attack. Before Pyrrha could throw herself at the swirling inferno, however, Ozpin's hand slammed against the rounded bronze of her shield, stopping Pyrrha in her tracks.

"You three get out of here!" Ozpin ordered, keeping himself between the students and super-Cinder. "Find Glynda...Ironwood...Qrow! Bring them here right away." Gently pushing her back, Ozpin returned his focus to the threat in the room. "The tower cannot fall."

"But...I can help," Pyrrha insisted. Honey felt she should be offended at the lack of mention in that statement, but what could she honestly contribute? Couldn't even stop her from killing that girl. For some reason, killing her seemed to give Cinder an incredible amount of power, which meant her failure had doomed them all. I'm just a support fighter at best. A distraction. Why did Randi trust me with this? If Randi were here, she would've protected the girl easily. Heck, with her, Pyrrha, and Ozpin here, Honey wondered if Cinder would even stand a chance. I'm sorry, everyone.

Ozpin glanced sternly at Pyrrha. "You'll only get in the way." She'll get in the way...or we will? Was even Pyrrha useless at this point, or was Ozpin sending her away just to keep her and Jaune safe? The two of them would make easy targets for Cinder. Ozpin couldn't fight her properly while also guarding them. Instead, he was sending away his only real reinforcements to escort them out, meaning he'd have to face Cinder alone all because they weren't good enough.

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