Chapter One

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Halifax is the planet where this story begins. It is a beautiful planet with minimal pollution because the citizens work together to create a clean, usable atmosphere. The people there walk on two legs and were similar to creatures we find on our own planet earth. There are foxes, wolves, hawks, dogs, panthers, and all sorts of other people on this planet. The weather is beautiful most of the year at any place on Halifax and this enables Halifax pears to grow plentifully. The Halifax Pear is the symbol of their government; the entire planet is united and lives in peace.

A little twelve-year-old fox named John Dhole lives on Halifax. He has a mother and father who love him very much and take good care of him. His father, James, is teaching him how to defend himself outside of their house. John is very good at it. James throws a punch toward John so he can practice redirecting the punch and pinning the arm behind the persons back. John does this successfully and his father is proud.

John's mother, Mary, calls them inside for dinner and as John walks in the door she pulls a quarter out of his ear like magic. John has seen her do this millions of times, but it still charms him every time she does it. She hands the quarter back to him and expects him to do the same: just like she taught him. John shows her his 'empty' hands and then pulls the quarter out of her ear like magic, while taking a piece of candy from her pocket. Mary is proud and gives him a kiss unaware of the chocolate he lifted from her pocket. John enjoys a dinner with his mother and father before he is sent to bed. They tuck him in and sing him a song before they kiss him good night. After they leave, he eats the chocolate he stole from Mary and sneakily enjoys it in his bed. He thinks his life is perfect as he drifts off to sleep, but little does he realize what terrible thing is going to happen that night.

At midnight John hears a thud in the living room of his home and it wakes him up. Once he is awake, he hears chairs being knocked over and he decides to investigate. He had no idea that he would find his mother dead on the floor bleeding profusely from being slashed in the neck. He looks up from where his dead mother lay and sees a raccoon he's never met before fighting with his father. James, unaware of John in the living room, murders the raccoon by breaking his neck; after he does this, James notices John inside the living room and is ashamed that John saw him kill someone. He tries to say something to John right before the police break down the door and enter the house. The first policeman to come through the door holds James at gunpoint shortly before he is shot in the back. As James dead body falls to the ground, all the police duck unsure of where the shot came from. John, a twelve-year-old fox, decides that he is not sticking around this chaotic scene and jumps to escape out the window. The policeman who held James at gunpoint notices John when he opens the window to escape and grabs him. John bites the policeman causing him to let go and then runs off. The policeman decides not to pursue John because he is probably innocent and there are bigger concerns at hand: like the shooter! As John runs away to the nearby city he is traumatized from the sight of his dead mother and murderous father...

4 years later

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