Chapter Eight

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The evening after the trial John goes with Alex to his parents' house to dine with the lawyer. Alex's parents lived in a large house in a neighborhood close to the city. John had never seen such a big mansion before. The house spanned for what seemed like miles across the area. The neighboring houses seemed so small in comparison. The mansion had many windows on each floor with fancy, intricate designs engraved on each one. John felt strange entering the front double doors to the gaping inside that almost gave him a suffocating feeling in spite of the abundance of decorated space that did its best to welcome him.

All the while, Alex is telling John all about his parents and their employees but as he went on John felt like something is missing from his stories, "...We'll be eating dinner with the lawyer, my mom, and my dad tonight! The lawyer will probably fly in on a ship Dad made him. Like I told you when we met, my dad, Falco, owns the Fast as Falcons Company, so that means he can gives ships to whoever he wants! But that also means that he works a lot, so you might see him doing paperwork at the table. That doesn't mean he isn't paying attention, though! Or at least he pays attention enough to let me know how his ships are built and how much they cost! Or he is just thinking out loud?... No matter! My mom, Alexandria, pays attention! She lets me know not to put my elbows on the table, because it's rude! Other than that, I think she pays more attention to what is going on elsewhere... But that's because of her job! Like I told you when we met, my mom owns the LIVE communications company from Channel 7, so she has to pay a lot of attention to that! Since my parents work a lot they might be late to the dinner too and – Oh look! There's the cook! Hi Mr. Henson! How are – "Alex waved to the cook but his words were cut short.

As he held a spatula to Alex face Mr. Henson, who is a deer, let Alex know, "ALEX. Do NOT follow me into the kitchen unless you are going to be absolutely quiet. I can't stand how talkative you are! If you can't be quiet, go sit down at the dinner table and I will bring you your food in a minute."

Not even waiting for a response Mr. Henson turns and steps into the kitchen. John is quietly taken aback from what the cook rudely said to Alex. 'How could he treat him like that?' he wondered, 'Alex is so nice.'

Alex obviously had his feelings hurt, but he shakes his head and turns to John smiling, "Heh, we should sit down. He said the food would be ready in a minute. Let me show you where the dinner table is! It is super huge and sometimes Dad uses it for meetings and he has this board he rolls out of a closet to do presentations after feeding his board members!" Alex blabs on as they walk to the dinner table in the next big room.

John starts to grow more concern for Alex. 'Surely his parents don't treat him like this?' he wonders as he wholeheartedly listens to Alex.

Alex interrupts himself when he sees the lawyer enter the room, "Woohoo! You're here!" The lawyer places his bag entirely on the opposite end of the long table and Alex politely urges him, "Hey, there's space to sit over here next to us if you like! I don't bite and John doesn't bite and we'd be able to have better conversation if – "

The lawyer interrupts Alex, "There is no law stating that I have to sit next to you or the person I just kept out of prison."

Alex shies away at the words but his smile returns when he looks at John and says, "Ha-ha. He's such a kidder. Making jokes like that because he is a lawyer. Ha. So, anyways, let me tell y-"Alex is interrupted when his parents loudly come through the door.

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