Chapter 8

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First Person view

That day I went straight home, I was too tired to talk with Jun and Kris. I went home and prepared a bath for myself so I could relax.
🎶 Gazes looking at each other 🎶
I laid my head back to process what had happened.
"Man that guy drains the life out of me" I laughed humorlessly
🎶 I don't hate her, I don't hate her because she makes you smile like an angel 🎵
My song played on and made me think about the interview I had. Maybe I did use my personal experience for the song.
🎶 The words that became a secret before I could tell you 🎶
But, what would these lyrics mean then? Do I still love him?
"Bahahahaha" I started cackling
I mean there was just no way, I had moved on with other relationships. I had flings here and there so it wouldn't make sense to say I still loved him. That jerks sappy barf of stupidity really did a number on me.
🎶 One gaze left alone, a gaze that's lost it's way 🎶
I don't miss him, I hate him. I closed my eyes as I chuckled to myself, I really wrote some bullshit lyrics. Lost gaze, yeah right.

"Sehun what the hell!?" Junmyeon's screams woke me up
"Huh?" I yawned
"You fell a sleep in the bathtub!? Hurry up and get dressed! You have a photoshoot in an hour" I could practically hear Jun pulling his hair out so
I got out and looked in the mirror.
"Hahahahahah" I started laughing
"What's so funny!? You irresponsible kid" Junmyeon scolded me through the door

Third Person view

Sehun continued to laugh at himself since his
hands and feet resembled a hairless cat. All wrinkly and weird looking.
"Hurry!!" Junmyeon whined
"Alright, I'm done" Sehun sighed
They left Sehun's apartment and drove to the photoshoot.
"Sehun later we have to go to a dramas casting" Junmyeon reminded Sehun while he got his makeup done
"What drama?" Sehun asked
"Remember the historical drama that was coming out? Your casted to be the second male lead" Junmyeon explained
"Why the second?" Sehun asked
"Tao was the one who recommended you for the second male lead, he said it would be nice to see you in a different type of role" Junmyeon explained
"Who's in charge of today's shoot?" Sehun asked
"Luhan" Junmyeon said
Sehun stayed silent, he didn't know Luhan was back. Luhan was the only other person he knew from his school days and the bastard didn't even tell Sehun he was back.
"Alright, go get em tiger" Junmyeon said

"Ah what a great model" Luhan cheered but Sehun ignored him
"Alright, thank you everyone" Luhan bowed
Sehun and Junmyeon started packing their things to leave.
"Stop ignoring me" Luhan hugged Sehun hoping to melt Sehun's anger away
"Okay, I get it" Luhan began poking Sehun "I'm sorry for not telling you I was back"
"You should be dumbass" Sehun smiled
"You two catch up" Junmyeon waved goodbye
"Oh say him dad for me when you go suck him off" Sehun teased while Junmyeon flipped him off embarrassed.
Then Luhan and Sehun went to a fancy restaurant to catch up.
"How was China and how long have you been here for you jerk?" Sehun asked as he sipped his wine
"China was amazing like always and I've actually been back for a month" Luhan rubbed hid nape nervously
"A month!? What the hell?!" Sehun almost spit his wine out
"I just wasn't ready to face you" Luhan explained
The atmosphere turned a bit sour, Luhan didn't need to go into detail they both knew the situation.
"Right, don't worry about it" Sehun cleared his throat "what's new with you Lu?"
"So I become a more famous photographer and I've started to appear in small roles" Luhan smiled
"Lu that's great! What have you appeared on? I have to know" Sehun cheered
"Just small roles here and there" Luhan shrugged
"Are you too embarrassed to tell me?" Sehun teased while Luhan blushed
"I'm actually going to be on set with you" Luhan said
"No way! Your going to be in that historical drama with me?" Sehun gushed excited
"Yeah, it's a small role though" Luhan look down shyly
"Lu that's awesome no need to be shy about it" Sehun reassured
"Enough about me, what's up with you?" Luhan asked
"Ah well" Sehun went silent not knowing if he should tell Luhan or not
"Come on tell me, it's fine...whatever it is, I want to here about it" Luhan smiled
"Well Jongin approached me out of nowhere " Sehun said
"What?" Luhan said speechless
"Yeah, he kept talking about still loving me or what not but that's crazy, it's been eight years" Sehun laughed
"Do you still love him back?" Luhan gulped
"I don't think so, I've been asking myself that but I think I just haven't got over how we ended" Sehun explained honestly
Sehun and Luhan kept catching up when Luhan excused himself to the bathroom.
"Fancy seeing you here, didn't you run away to China?" Jongin said
"Nice to see you to Jongin" Luhan sighed
"So how long have you been back for?" Jongin asked
"I'm sure you don't know but I actually came back after senior year" Luhan grinned at Jongin's glare
"Oh yeah? Who's boyfriend did you steal this time?" Jongin mocked
"You left him, all I did was pick up the pieces" Luhan smirked as Jongin grabbed his collar
"You bastard! You have no shame, even in high school you were a skank" Jongin huffed
"No, in high school I was Sehun's best friend" Luhan explained "I never made a move on him then but I did after you ran away like a cowardly dog with his tail between his legs"
"You asshole!" Jongin was going to punch Luhan but Luhan set himself free before he could
"Can't have you bruising up my face" Luhan joked "I have to get back to Sehun"
Jongin slammed his fist on the wall in anger.

Authors Note

Hey, baddies so hope you liked the chapter.
Vote and comment :)

Also can you all believe Chanyeols collab with Lee Sun Hee has barely any views? Smh. Disappointed but not surprised.

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