Chapter 12

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Authors note
I'm back, lol.

Sehun looked through the objects, he knew what they used to mean but the problem is if they mean anything now.
Yesterday had helped Sehun understand that he isn't over Jongin, however, Sehun has no idea if it's because he still has feelings for him or if Sehun never let go of their relationship.
"Hey Sehun, I came earlier to drop off groceries" Luhan shouted somewhere inside Sehun's apartment.
Sehun knew that, even if Jongin didn't mention it. The only people that restock his fridge are his parents and Luhan. So he ignored Luhan to continue staring at the objects in discord.
"Sehun what are you doing?" Luhan questions; staring at Sehun with a small smile on his face.
"I'm deciding on what to do about Jongin" Sehun responded with furrowed eyebrows
"Darling why don't you test him out?" Luhan proposed with a smile "You could go on dates with him to see where your at"
"But wouldn't I just be giving that stupid oaf hope... what if I don't feel that way in the end?" Sehun asked he would have jumped at the option to hurt Jongin but not anymore.
"Then you can explain that to him, I'm sure he would rather know that he did everything he could to make you change your mind instead of just getting rejected" Luhan explained
Sehun smiled and said "Luhan I don't know what I would do without you"
Luhan nodded opening his arms for Sehun to wrap himself around.
"Hello Jongin?" Sehun said
"Hi! Sehun um... did you already decide? I don't want to rush but I don't see why else you would call?" Jongin responded
"Well I will give you a chance, you have 5 dates to change my mind.... if I don't show up on the 5th date then that's my answer and if I do then I guess we'll begin to date" Sehun explained looking at Luhan for validation; of course, he received a dumbs up.
"Okay, that's sounds good.... Sehun you won't regret this, I'll make sure of it" Jongin excitedly said
"Yeah, I hope I won't" Sehun laughed
"See your already changing, instead of clicking your tongue you laughed.... Sehun be ready for our date because we're going to-" Jongin rambled
"Yeah, your making me regret this so I'm hanging up before you ramble my head off" Sehun said as ended the call with Jongin
"Good job, now want to go have breakfast?" Luhan asked extending his hand out for Sehun.
"Thanks and of course I want to have breakfast" Sehun laughed taking Luhan's hand in his.

Authors Note
Hahaha short chapter my bad, but before I was going to end this story in a different way but now prepare to hate me 🌚🙈
Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter 💋

Who is excited for Jongin's album? I literally can't wait, and I'm loving the neon hair as well. A bold choice but it suits him, I hope he doesn't get too white washed doe.

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