~ The Northern Lights ~ Chapter-Two

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Suddenly I wake up...I look around and see nothing but pitch black...the trees around me make a squeaky noise and the wind is slow breeze...I get the courage to stand up but I look at my leg and see it stopped bleeding...I noticed my elbow was bleeding..so I ripped a piece off my jacket and wrapped it around my elbow. I started to walk on the snow, looking for a cabin nearby, but nothing. I stopped for a second just to breathe a little and I just kept walking. Suddenly, I hear something getting closer to me...I begin to panic, I stopped moving and yeh sound stopped..I held my leg in position and began running...I didn't know what I was doing at the moment but I knew something was following me and I could hear it getting louder.I just kept running and than I tripped on a branch, hitting my head on a tree. I start growling and I looked back and the sound stop, I didn't know if it had left..I tried getting up but I didn't have enough energy.
I began to drag myself on the snow, my hand were turning purple from the snow, I kept dragging blood with me from my elbow to my leg..I felt like I was gonna die here...alone, I felt trapped in a cage with no way out. The wind was getting bigger and it was harder to see..I just stopped and laid there for a while taking deep breathes, and I finally got the courage to stand up..I started walking hold my leg tight...
I stopped for second and look at the sky and it started to change colors. I thought I was hallucinating for a second but no it was the northern lights they were starting. As I see the northern lights, I feel like a rainbow of colors are flashing through my eyes...it was beautiful. How I wished my boyfriend and my friends were looking at what I was looking at...then the wind suddenly stopped, everything was quiet for a moment...to quiet. I heard something coming from a tree just a few inches away from me. I turned around and at that moment I see two eyes staring right at me, the eyes were a gentle blue, it's teeth looked as sharp as a knife, and at the moment I knew...it was a wolf...
Staring right at me was a wolf, growling it looked hungry. It just looked at me and I was feeling like I was gonna pass out and then it jumped at me, trying to bite into my skin. Its teeth were sinking in my skin and I kicked the wolf off of me, making the wolf hit a tree and run away.I look at my arm and I see lots of blood coming out and I suddenly start to close my eyes slowly, falling to the ground...I take one last glance and see someone coming right towards me...I take a look at them and I catch to see there green eyes and there soft pale lips, then everything goes black...

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