CH. 01

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Your husband had been off somewhere, most likely finding what your new accommodations on the Finalizer. Originally coming from a smaller ship, this was a shock to you both. The Commander wanted every important personnel here, and that meant you both. You were Lady Y/N, refusing to take your husbands last name since it just simply didn't match yours.

You were very important, finding out sometime last year that you had these strange abilities. When you would lose your cool and lash out, things would fly. Or if you got angry enough, people in your line of sight would choke on air it seemed. This caught the attention of Commander Ren, who began slowly moving you to different ships until you were on the same one as he. You were smart, your husband being a diplomat and an ambassador, you knew more than the average soldier.

Roaming the halls, a gentle voice called out for you. It sounded awfully familiar. A woman with dark brown hair and a petite frame was quickly walking towards you. "Tanyi!",you exclaimed and wrapped your arms around her. It had been years!

"It's so good to see you! When I heard you were coming on the Finalizer I just got so excited that Phasma had to beg me to stop talking about it. I haven't seen you in decades.", she gushed as you both walked down the monochrome hallways. As you both talked a loud approach of footsteps made you feel uneasy. A man draped in black robes wearing a dark cloak and mask approached the both of you. Tanyi addressed him, "Commander Ren." You looked at his mask, and could feel a weird string of emotions flare up inside you. So this was him? He was quite tall. "Commander Ren, nice to meet you. I am Lady YN." He said nothing, just continuing to either look at you, or through you. You felt, nothing really. The most powerful man in the galaxy seemed to be sizing you up. "May I help you?" Your tone became a little more attitude filled, and Tanyi gave you a wide eyed sideways glance. He said nothing, and continued to walk on.

He seems strange, you thought to yourself as you continued to walk towards your new chambers. Tanyi had been kind enough to show you to the mess hall and things of that nature. Your job, even being a wife to an advisor, was still important. You had trained as an officer for a while which is where you met your husband. At the other bases, you would simply give commands and lay out plans with the other officers and would debate what tactic would be the most beneficial. After a heated argument with one, furniture flying across the room and then choking under your gaze, you were called to the Finalizer immediately.

Your husband Leon has reprimanded you, saying that your brashness has cost you the both of your jobs. It's not like you listened to him anymore anyway, he was probably just upset he would get to see his mistress anymore since you were now moved. The only reason you hadn't divorced was because that was too much paperwork and not enough time between the move, along with the fact Leon refused to sign anything relinquishing what little control he had left over you. What you did get, though, was a separate bed chamber which couldn't have made you happier. Being in the same room with him made you angry.

Tanyi said her final goodbyes, going to join her wife for dinner. She offered you to join, but you declined so you could finish unpacking. After an hour of hanging up clothes and setting up your bathroom, you finally noticed a note on your desk. Your desk was black, and the note was a matte black so you could see how you overlooked it. Dinner, 1900 in the Hall. Do not be late.

This was different than Leon's handwriting, it was less cursive and more print. You shrugged, putting your heels back on and going to the Hall as requested. Your eyes scanned the room for anybody, until the dark mass known as your Commander Ren caught your vision. There was a plate across from him, a glass untouched. "Sit.",his voice commanded. It shocked you, you didn't expect that kind of tone out of him.

You took your seat across from him, getting comfortable. His food was untouched, his mask still on. Of course, he couldn't eat with that thing on. "You're late.",the distorted voice spoke up from the mask again. You leaned your elbows on the table, chin resting on the backs of your hands. "The note was as black as my desk. Maybe next time use something a little more . . . flamboyant." He said nothing, but simply reached his hands up. You thought he was going to throw something at you, but he simply reached to take his helmet off. Thick, dark black curls poured from his helmet, and his face emerged. Your breath hitched in your throat the moment you saw him. He was gorgeous. Ren coughed, then went for a drink of water.

"Gorgeous.",he said. Your face felt warm. "Excuse me, Lord Ren?" His eyes locked with yours, and your stomach flipped at his words. "You think I'm gorgeous." Fuck, could he read minds? You cleared your throat and looked away. "Why did you call me here?",your voice broke the silence. Silence once again filled the room, and Ren began to eat. Your hand moved on it's own, picking up your fork for you. Well, you guessed he wanted you to eat. The sound of clacking silverware was the only thing drowning out the white noise until he spoke again.

"You're married?" You looked up at him after swallowing. "For now, working on a divorce. He won't sign the papers." Why were you telling him your personal business? It's not like he cared. The rest of the meal went silent, and once you finished he walked over to you. You stood up, but he came very close. You refused to take a step back, looking into his eyes with a bit of annoyance.

"Goodnight. I will see you at the bridge tomorrow at 0600 sharp. Do not be late." With that, he placed his helmet back on and stalked out of the Hall. You pushed in your chair as the cleaning service came out, and walked to your bed chambers. Did he want you to continue your job as an officer? What exactly did he want with you?

You opened the door, removing your heels and sat on your bed. Turning on the light, your eyes immediately started to a bright red note on your desk.

Flamboyant. It read. You tried to decipher what this meant, then remembered your conversation with Ren. You took a shower, the confusion not lifted as you dried yourself off. You urged yourself to go to bed, knowing that the next day would be early.

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