6. Can we act normal?

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Sky's POV

I open my eyes and let out a yawn. I know exactly where I am. Last night I wasn't so drunk to not be aware of what was happening. Ian had his fun with two girls over him and that made me... Huh. Jealous. I completely lost it. Bros usually fucked girls in front of all of us, unless that girl is their girlfriend, of course, then they show some respect to them. What Ian was doing with those two, was something I saw a lot of time. So he didn't do anything unusual. It was me, who couldn't stand it. Watching him with others almost chocked me. I didn't care that moment, that Laura is there with me when I yelled and humiliated myself. Laura left and so did those girls, and I was there alone with Ian, who was naked and pushing his cock to my face. I wanted to taste him, I really did! But I didn't want to lose my dignity by admitting that I'm hooked to him. He's my bro, for God's sake!

After he passed out I took his phone and called his chauffeur. Luke and Jacob came to the party together and they are also taken home together by Luke's chauffeur. They live closer than Ian and I. Sometimes when we're too drunk, they sleep in one another's bed, wherever they end up being. Just sleep together, of course, as bros do. Same as Ian and I. Ian's chauffeur always drives me home and sometimes I end up sleeping with Ian in his bed, just because I'm too lazy to say: Hey, drive me home. So sleeping in Ian's bed is nothing new for me. Sometimes we even shower together, like in school after basketball or swim, naked of course. That's what bros do, without any hidden agenda. We never go to my home, because my room is too small.

But after all that happened between Ian and me, I didn't want to spend the night at his place. After his chauffeur drove us to his home, Ian begged me in his half-sleeping state, to take him up to his floor. He didn't accept chauffeur's help. When we stepped out of the car, he turned to chauffeur and said: "He's staying here, you can go!" I cursed in my mind, but I said nothing.

I put him to bed and took the belt from his pants. I didn't want to undress him and sleep with him being naked again. But I did take down his shoes, of course.

I was almost sleeping when I felt him spooning me. I didn't want to say anything and to wake him up. That would only make him nastier. Or he would start teasing me again.

We're still in the same position. His hand is resting on my stomach and I can feel he's waking up too. His hand starts moving and sliding around my hips. My member is already hardened and I'm afraid I'll lose the battle.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispers in my ear and I blush. He bites my earlobe and when he places his hand on my crotch, I screech like a cat: "Let me go, Ian!"

"Relax," he says almost apathetic. "I won't take you by force."

He yawns, then I hear him cursing:
"Damnit, Sky, couldn't you shower me? I stink! And why the hell did you let me sleep with my clothes on?"

I turn to him, red in my face.
"I couldn't," I mutter. "I was afraid you'd..."

"You know damn well I wouldn't harass you! I was drunk dead! Fuck, Sky, you're my friend, we do that for each other!"

"Yeah, sorry."

"And you as well, couldn't you shower yourself?"

I swallow, not sure of what to say.

"Go there and prepare the water, I'll come after you soon."

"We can't shower together, Ian!" I say terrified.

"Seriously? Don't be such a wimp, you're starting to irritate me!"

Ian is pissed. I never saw him waking up in such an angry mood. So I say nothing.

I get up and leave for the bathroom. I don't wait for him, I want to finish showering before he comes.

As soon as I step out of the shower and reach for a towel, Ian opens the door.

"You didn't have to turn the water down," he frowns at me and starts undressing.

"And you don't have to act like a dick, you know," I say before I close the bathroom door behind me.

After I dry myself, I wrap the towel around my waist right when Ian returns from the shower. And this dickhead doesn't even bother to cover himself!

I don't dare to watch at him, while he's bending naked in his closet. I look at the ceiling and I pretend I'm thinking about something. He closes the closet and passes me some clean pants and a shirt. I barely contain myself from smelling them. No no, he'd think I'm weird.

I try to put the pants on, while still holding the towel around my waist with one hand. I'm too afraid that the towel will unfold and fall on the floor, revealing my groin in front of Ian.

My attempt fails and I notice Ian's frustration.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you dress like you normally do?"

"I guess I'm not in the mood for your pestering again," I sniff.

"For Christ's sake, Sky, you're not funny at all. I didn't know you find me so dense! We're friends and I'd like to keep it that way. Yeah, I like to tease you from time for time, but just because you're my bro. Now sit here and wait, I'll bring us some breakfast."

10 minutes later we're eating in silence. I feel dumb. I chew the sandwich and think about what to say. He caught me off guard again. I'm glad I didn't fall for his charms last night because today I'd feel like shit. Ian is a player and as he plays with girls, that's how he plays with me now, knowing that I can't resist him.

Suddenly he says:
"Thank you."


"For taking care of me last night. I can't remember anything. Did I do anything for what I should apologize?" He looks worried. It's not the first time that Ian drank more than he can handle.

"You were good, don't stress yourself."

"Did we... Did I..."

"No, we didn't! We just fell asleep after we came."

"Good. Not about the... But... Good to know, because I'm sure I wouldn't forget if we would..."

"Trust me, we wouldn't. And we won't again."

Ian looks at not sure if I mean what I said, then he sighs.

"I hate to say this, but the chauffeur is waiting for you. I have some family errands to take care of..."

"That's okay, I have to go anyway."

He bites his lower lip and says in a bitter tone:
"I honestly hate myself now for throwing you out."

I stand up chuckling and leave to the door.
"Don't be such a wimp, Ian," I clap back before I close the door behind me.


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