9. Happy birthday to myself

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Ian's POV

Today is my 18th birthday. I woke up at 5 am. It must be the guilt. Last night I fell asleep with a whiskey bottle holding tight with my fist. Now it's still laying next to me, with not even one drop left. I stink like an alcoholic. I get up to shower.

But the shower doesn't help. The pain is still pulsating in my temple. I go to the cabinet and take out another bottle of whiskey. I tilt the bottle and drink half of it at once. Feels better.

I'm losing my balance, but I somehow manage to get to the car, where my chauffeur is already waiting. He recognizes my intoxicated state and says:
"You shouldn't go to school like that."

"Fuck school. It's my birthday today, take me to a bar."

"Sir, I don't think your parents would approve..."

"Stop whining already and drive, you bitch."

I never curse to my chauffeur, I'm never rude to him. What the hell is wrong me?

We're driving in silence. I feel bad. And my stomach is threatening it will release the liquid through my mouth.

"Stop. I'll step out here. There's a bar at the corner and I need to walk a little to get fresh air."

"Are you sure you'll be okay, sir?

"Of course, Thomas. And sorry for my outburst before."

I drag my legs to the bar. I try to breathe deep to clean my head. I see two men outside the bar smoking.

"Can I get one?"

I usually don't smoke cigarettes. It doesn't go well with my sports spirit. But today I need it.

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"How about a whiskey? I've been drinking it since last night, anyway."

"I don't know, sir. I'm not sure you're old enough to buy alcohol."

"Here!" I take out my ID and proudly show her.
"See? I'm 18 today, I can drink whatever I fucking want! And bring me a package of cigarettes, any kind."

"Right away, sir."

And happy birthday to me, I murmur to myself.

Today is Friday. My parents won't be home for at least a week. I'm having a party and I'll roast the house like a chicken. Who do they think they are to fuck my life like that! Forcing me to marry a slut! I should just run away! Can I even run away now when I'm of age? Does it still count?

Fuck, I should go to school or people will think I'm sick and no one will come to the party. Will Sky come? I didn't see him for days. I heard he was in school on Monday, but he wasn't attending the classes that we share. He obvs took my words literally. I didn't ask him to skip classes, damnit. Now he wasn't in school for four days, the teacher said he's sick. He was good on Sunday when we were together. When did he have time to catch a cold?

I'm such a jerk!

"Now we're just going to ignore each other for time being until this heat cools down."

We're friends, Sky, this shouldn't have happened!

I don't bother to ask the waitress how much I need to pay, I just leave a hundred bucks on the table. I have them too many anyway, that's all my parents ever give me.

I sit in the car and say to my chauffeur:
"Take me to school, I'm already late."

"You can't go to school like that, sir."

"Please, Thomas, I don't want to argue. Just take me to school."

I hope Sky is in school today. I miss my friend.


Of course, I missed half of today's classes. When I enter the school, I find Luke and Jacob entering chemistry.

"Wow, Ian! Look at yourself!" Luke exclaims in surprise.

"You can hardly stand on your feet!" Jacob adds.

"I just came to let you know that I'm not sick or something and that the party is still on."

"Like we don't know that you'd be throwing a party even if you'd be dying!" Luke growls.

"You have a point! Is Sky back to school? Is he still sick or what?"

Luke sighs and mumbles something.

"I fucking don't hear you! You need to speak louder bro."

"I don't believe Sky is sick. I was there at his place. When I came on Wednesday, his parents told me he's not ok. He had some kind of nervous breakdown. They didn't let me see him. But I came back yesterday again, determined to see him and I didn't let them send me away again. I saw Sky. He doesn't look like himself at all. He just sits on his bed, stares at some point, holding his knees and swaying as he lost it! I worry, bro! I don't know what happened to him! His mom said he's not eating or talking. But I'm going back again, today after school. I'll fucking drag him out of his room if I have to."

"Wtf happened to him?" Jacob gasps.

"Maybe it has something to do with his girlfriend, I don't know. He was on a date on Monday, I remember he told me that."

I listen and I can't believe it. Did I cause this? Did I hurt him that much? I shouldn't have said those words to him. I'm solely to blame. I was the one pushing my sexual appetite into his face, I was the one who ruined our friendship. And I told him we must ignore each other. I'm an asshole! How could I? I should just fuck a bottle, damnit, if I was so desperately horny, and not lay it on him.

"Yeah, drag him to the party, if you have to. And invite some more girls, some fresh faces, preferably. I have to get laid or I'll lose it too."

"Lisa doesn't give you?" Jacob laughs at me.

"Fuck you, Jacob. Go and fuck her yourself, go for a threesome if you want her beside Melissa, because I surely won't fuck that bitch!"

"Language, Ian Preston Davis!"

I didn't even see the chemistry teacher standing next to us and listening to our conversation.

"I should inform the headmaster that you're walking intoxicated on the school grounds. Even if you're Davis, the rules are the same for all!"

"Get a grip! I'm leaving anyway. It's my birthday. Fucking 18th birthday, damn right I'm celebrating!"

I leave with a pain in my chest. The buzzing in my head is now even worse. I'll rest until the party starts. I hope Luke manages to bring Sky to the party, or I'll go there by myself and carry him on my hands if I have to.


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