10. It will be okay

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Sky's POV

It's been hard. But I'm starting to breathe again.

After my emotional outburst that happened on Tuesday morning, I spent that whole day crying. I guess I needed that.

Wednesday was better. The tears dried, only now and there was a tear forming in my eye. But I wiped it away. I heard Luke's voice and mom's whispers, but I couldn't get up to face him.

On Thursday I decided it's time to stop mourning. When mom and dad were at work, I took a shower. I didn't shower myself since when? I put a slice of bread in my mouth, just so that I don't pass out, because I didn't eat since Monday and I was feeling dizzy. I left home and walked to the hill, that is not so far away from the city. At that same hill, in its forest, I lost my virginity that damn night. I'm still not strong enough to face the camping place. I walked around the forest until I found a small stream. I sat by it and observed for hours, how water is falling and running from its source.

All of a sudden I started crying again. How could I be so stupid! Was I so dumbfounded or what, to not see that I've fallen in love with my best friend! I can't fucking be gay! That's not possible! I'm disgusted at myself, I feel like a freak! No wonder Ian doesn't want to see me, he's not blind, he saw through me! Ian was being Ian, teasing with his cock like he always does. But I fell for it!

I managed to get home before my parents returned from work. Later I heard mom speaking to Luke again. What would he say if he knew I was gay? Would he still be my friend? What would my parents say? I can't tell them. I can't disappoint them. I know they're open-minded and they were never homophobic. But having their son being homosexual? I doubt that would please them.

Now it's 4 pm. Friday. I hear Luke again. He doesn't want to leave, he's saying he wants to see me no matter what. Can I face him? Can I pretend? Shit, I completely forgot about Laura. I didn't even read her messages, how stupid of me. I need her to keep pretending! I'm able to do that! Yeah!

"Hey, bro, what's up?" Luke enters my room and I see mom behind him.

"Honey, Luke is here. He's worried, he wants to speak to you. Can you talk to him?"

I take a deep breath. I have already died. What more can I lose?

"Sure, mom. Come in, Luke." I try to fake a smile.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" Luke asks.

"Yeah, bro. Come in. And mom, can you make me something to eat? I'm starving!"

I've never seen my mom so happy.
"I'll get to it quickly! I'll make your favorite lunch!"

"Thanks, mom."

Luke and I are alone. He sits on my chair behind my school desk but facing my direction.

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure," I lie.
"Mom calls it anxiety. She says it happens to everyone, for no specific reason." I shrug.

"Damn I'm happy you're better now! You need to eat, to get your strength back. You look like a zombie," Luke chuckles.

"And you look like an asshole," I laugh back at him.

Mom brings me lunch and I quickly eat everything there is.

"Can you get him some more, please? We're going out, and I'd hate it if he'd pass out after the first drink."

"You're such a great friend, Luke! Thank you for looking after my boy."

After I finish eating, I finally feel like being myself again.

"Go shower now, I'll wait. We're going to get you drunk tonight and forget whatever that is bothering you."

I didn't ask where we're going. It's Friday night, time for clubbing and drinking till dawn.

When his chauffeur stopped at Ian's house, I twitched.

"Why didn't you tell me we're coming here?"

"It's Ian's birthday, did you forget?"

It did slip my mind.


"I thought we're clubbing tonight, but it doesn't matter. Let's get drunk, bro!"


For the rest of the night, I was ignoring Ian. And I was good at it. Luke didn't leave my sight. He didn't bring Melissa along, because this is our night, he said. Jacob on the other hand spent the night with Barbara in some corner.

I was wild. I took everything that people put in my hand, drinks, X, pot. I didn't care. At some moment I found myself screaming and running through the house and Luke did the same. I took my pants off and jumped in the pool in my boxers. I was a savage! I heard chanting. They were not used to this wild side of mine, but they all knew I was not a loser. The cool water did me good, but I was still crunk and high.

I'm sure Ian is smashing some girl or more of them, even though Lisa and he are tight now. But that's sic! I don't give a fucking damn. Right now I need to puke.

"Come on, bro. Let's get to the toilet. You can't vomit here. You will ruin the party and Ian will kill us."

"Fuck them", I say and I run to the toilet.

I threw out everything I ate today. I wash my face and look at my reflection in the mirror. I feel better, but my head is still dizzy and I look like shit.

I walk to the door and I try to catch my balance. I open the door and trip over my own feet. Fucking shit! Just when I see myself hitting the floor, I feel his hands around my waist.

"Wow, bro, take it easy. God, you're so wasted!" Ian smirks at me.

"Like you're any better." I roar back at him.

Ian just laughs. He's so damn annoying. And cute. Cut that. He's perfect, even when he's turnt.

"I believe you should go to sleep," Ian says.

"I'll take him home, just a second, I need to call my driver," Luke says.

"Don't. I'll take him up to my room. You can say to others that the party is over."

"Fuck you, Ian. I'm still here! Don't talk like I'm not. And I'm not going to sleep here, not now not ever. I'm going home!"

"I don't think it would be good to drive you home now. Your parents are worried enough, Sky. Just go up with Ian and take a shower," says Luke and leaves.

I feel anger boiling in me.

"Fuck you, Luke!"

"Hey, Sky. Don't be such a dickhead. Let's go up."

"I won't sleep with you! Forget it!"

"It will be okay. Everything is going to be okay, don't worry," Ian whispers while still holding me around my waist. He takes slower steps and we leave up to his floor.

I'm too tired to fight him now. But he will hear from me tomorrow!

Thank you for reading my story!! I can't wait to read your comments! Tell me what you think about Ian? And Sky?

Aren't they just too cute? 🤩🤩

This story will soon have more chapters out! I need to work on my other stories now, so it will take me a week to update this one. But I definitely will! 😋🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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