Paranoid #5

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It makes me sad, that there's not that much, fanfiction of Hannibal x reader or Oc. There's so much hannigram's though, not that I'm complaining about Hannigram's... It just would be nice to read some new Hannibal x reader x Will, or Hannibal x reader etc. Anyways! Onto the story!

〖No one's Pov 〗

Will Graham, couldn't think straight not even in the slightest. Why...why did he keep thinking about her? Her...and her beautiful H/c hair. Her bright smile....Her-Her–

"Will, Are you alright?" Hannibal spoke watching Will come back to his senses. "I'm fine..." Will trailed off, he definitely didn't want to share any information about the girl he kept daydreaming about. Why though? Why didn't he? It's just a silly little crush...right? He kept telling that to himself over and over, but, he was still thinking about her.


Will quickly fumbled with his phone answering it. "Hello? Oh...Yes...I'll be there right away..." Will frantically hung the phone up, "Sorry, I'm afraid I have to end this session early..." Will spoke. Will and Hannibal quickly saying their goodbyes.

Y/n sat on a bench tilting her head to the side watching Jack conversate with the witness, "Listen, man! I only have seen her walking around that's it! She usually came to this place every Monday and Friday!" The witness spoke looking around frantically. "Why so paranoid?" Y/n ask with a little smirk, for some reason, her skin looked paler than normal, her hair a darker shade of h/c, it was almost pitch black.

Of course, this little occurrence was because Venom was in control, Y/n wanted a little more rest for her mind, after all, she didn't like seeing to much flesh and blood. "I-I'm not paranoid!" The man spoke in a slight stutter. Jack let out a sign while shaking his head, "Your free to go, But remember your still a suspect." Jack suddenly handed him a card, "Call me if you somehow remember any other details." Jack spoke.

Jack turned to look at Y/n who looked in looks? Venom/Y/n let out a small growl, "Watchu lookin at?" They growled. Jack raised his hands up in the air as if he was surrendering, "Must be that time of the month" Jack mumbled under his breath, taking a quick glance at Y/n.

'I was hoping we could eat him' Venom spoke waiting for Y/n's response.

'Oh- Uhm...May I take control?' Y/n politely asked. 

Venom let out a small shrug, as Venom closed his eyes and let out a large breath of air, Black goo ran like a wave under Y/n's skin as she took control once more.

Y/n smiled while getting up from the bench, she looked around at the crime scene, to see the body being inspected by Will.

Y/n tired her head as a rather older man, but still handsome came to Wills's side. Y/n gently stepped over the Barricade tape, while heading over to Will.

Will turned around looking at Y/n coming towards him, Will then suddenly looked at Hannibal realizing those two never met.

Let's just say Will didn't ever want to mention Y/n to Hannibal, I guess you could say he was maybe tad bit possessive. Will nervously spoke up as Y/n came closer to them, before finally stopping and greeting Will, "Oh Uhm, This is Y/n, Y/n meet Hannibal, my uhm...psychiatrist.."

Hannibal suddenly greeted the breathtaking woman, "Pleasure to meet you." Hannibal spoke gently taking Y/n's hand giving it a quick kiss.

Y/n sniffed the air, it goes unnoticed by the two men.

'He smells good' Venom happily stated.

'We should keep him, he smells good..' Venom spoke once more getting no response out of Y/n.

Y/n's face turned crimson at Venom's statements, Causing Hannibal and Will to look at her strangely, "S-Sorry- I Uhm, The cold is really bothersome!" Y/n spoke hiding her face between her hands.

"I-I got to go!" Y/n spoke up, before quickly jogging away, leaving Hannibal and Will in a confused state.

Bon Appetit! Yandere Hannibal x Reader x Yandere WillWhere stories live. Discover now