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×Under the right conditions, it is possible to clairvoyantly observe a coloured light around other people. This is known as the 'aura'. Sometimes the aura is seen as multicoloured emanations around the person, built up of various differently coloured layers and zones.
×The auras of the colours Blue and Red are the brightest and easiest to see. Blue has a Yellow aura and Red has a Green aura. The brightness and tone of the aura vary with the shade and tone of the colour used, so use bright primary colours.
×When you need to blink, do so, or it will cause your eyes to tense and water. Blink normally and quickly without changing focus, and do not become preoccupied with it. It may cause the aura to disappear for a second, but it will reappear quickly if you stay relaxed and hold your focus.

What is an Aura??
•An Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things.They can be seen, felt or sensed.Auras can reveal the person emotional well being and physical state.

How to See an Aura
•First theres the background.Some sources say that when reading an aura it's best to have a very dark or red background, while other say to use a white one. The Aura is generally strongest around a person's head.(if you want you can experiment in yourself)

•Pick a point just beyond your head and let your eyes go out of focus(just like day dreaming)

•Eventually a thin white band will come to view.
That is the first layer of the aura.
Once you are able to view the white band,fix your haze a little away beyond eventually the color(s) band will come into view
Note:each case is much harder to see

Black - malice
Dark grey - depression
Pale grey - fear
Brown - materialism
Muddy grey - selfishness
Red - energy, strength,courage
Bright red - anger and force
Dirty red - passion and sensuality
Dull red - selfish love
Deep Red - sensuality
Rose - unselfish love,self love
Pink - cheerful, optimistic
Orange - pride, vitality,mental and physical balance
Orange cloud - irritability
Bright orange - noble indignation
Yellow - intellect,wisdom, creativity, spirituality
Yellow-green - low intellect
Earthy yellow - selfish thought
Grayish Yellow - fear
Lemon - high intellect
Bright gold - logical thinking
Bright red-yellow - spiritual thought
Green - empathy, longevity, compassion, growth
Grey-green - deceit, pessimism,envy
Greenish-brown - jealousy
Emerald green - unselfish resourcefulness
Foliage green - sympathy & empathy
Bright apple-green - strong vitality
Bright turquoise - deep sympathy & compassion
Blue - devotion (religious feeling), spiritual, idealistic, imaginative, intelectual
Gray-blue - fetishism, melancholic
Light blue - noble spiritual devotion, intelectual
Dark blue - religious feeling
Bright lilac-blue - lofty religious idealism
Violet - psychic & spiritual faculty
White - purity/protection
Crimson - loyalty
Purple - spiritual power

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