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Latin Name: Rosmarinus Officinalis

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Powers: Healing/Love/Protection/Purification

Magical Properties: This herb's magic properties are used for love spells, protection, and as an aphrodisiac. In ancient times, it was favored for purification and cleansing rituals.

How to Use in Magic: 

•Infusion/ Poppet/ Ritual Bath Sachet/ Smoke/ Spell Bottle/ Talisman

•In Old World magic, rosemary was burned to purify a room or ritual space before performing magic.
•Rosemary put into a bath or tea can help with removing anxiety and invigorating and cleansing the spirits
•It is also used in spells for fidelity and ridding jealousy. Like lavender, rosemary is placed under the pillow to promote peaceful sleeping and ward off evil spirits and nightmares.These plants and herbs have many uses long after Halloween. 

To ensure a faithful husband, married women would keep a sachet of rosemary near the entrance of their homes. 

Non-Magical Properties: A study has found that rosemary can be used to improve retention and recall facts. Rosemary oil is good for increasing circulation and relieving aches and pains. This is also a popular culinary herb deliciously paired with chicken, lamb, vegetables, or potatoes.

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