Part 2

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On the way there I stop by a florist and pick up some flowers for you and get back in my car and head off. About 10 minutes from your house I send you a snap saying: 'Almost there ;)' and you send me a picture of you looking gorgeous as hell and a caption that says 'can't wait 😘' so before I know it I finally get out of my car and walk up to your door and ring it and knock but before I can knock the door opens right as I'm about to and all I can do is stop and stare and look you up and down and think 💭 'God damn Jesus took his time making you with a body like this 🥵😍'  but I keep it to my self and all I say out loud is 'wow, just wow you look amazing' and you smile and blush and move your hair out of your face. I then proceed to walk inside and sit down on the couch. You ask me if I'm ready to go so I say yeah you and we head back out to my car. We get in and by this time it's almost 9:00 now and I have a very fancy dinner reservation that I set up on my way there and I was able to squeeze it in. We get to the restaurant but by the time we get there and get inside he tells me that the place is full so I start getting pissed off. You quickly just grab my hand and I look at your eyes then at you holding my hand and then back and you and you say: 'it's ok 🥺 it's not a big deal we can just go back to my place' so I say 'yeah fine whatever...' as I give the receptionist a dirty look. So we make our way back to your house and by this time it's starting to get really dark about 11:00 PM so the streetlights come on as soon as we get out of the car and onto your steps to get inside the house.

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