Part 3

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We walk inside and there's one lit faint light coming from down the grab me by the hand and you say: 'Why...why don't we just go back to my room? 🤫' So I say: 'O-ok let's go 😅' so you hold my hand and look me in my eyes while you're walking backwards and I'm walking forwards but you don't need to face the way of where your door is because you've walked these halls a million we get closer to your room we can hear a faint noise and it's music playing softly and a speaking of soft ;)...there's a soft red tint coming out of your door that I can make out because you didn't shut your door all the way when we left. As for what seems was an hour staring into your dark eyes that remind me of when I would get lost in my mind and all I can think about are the stars so it's hard to draw my attention away from them ✨. But then we finally reach your door and you open it and there lies your bed perfectly made and you've got these led light strips all around your bedroom and the red is even more vibrant now that we are actually in the room but so soft at the same time.

  But then we finally reach your door and you open it and there lies your bed perfectly made and you've got these  led light strips all around your bedroom and the red is even more vibrant now that we are actually in the room but so soft at the sa...

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