Z land pt.9

65 2 92

P.O.V Riss
As soon as we saw the abandoned Jeep we got off the truck, me and the girls got close to the Jeep as we started analyzing if there was some type of clue or something that could tell us where the rest of the team was.

The rest of the guys looked around in case of any Rotters or any other clues we could find.

Gigi: Do you see anything?- She asked getting a flashlight out, all we could see were some supplies on the floor as well as bloodstains on the windows.

Riss: This doesn't look good at all...- I said as I looked at the inside and then around.

Thank God there weren't many Rotters on sight but we couldn't risk taking any chances.

Hyunjin: I think we should search on the buildings.- He said pointing at the main building of the university.

We all agreed as we got on the truck once again, we decided to go to the main building first since it seemed like the best option at that point.

We all agreed as we got on the truck once again, we decided to go to the main building first since it seemed like the best option at that point

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As we got closer to the doors we noticed there was a bloody handprint on it....it looked like it happened not so long ago.

Junkyu: That looks kind of fresh.- He said as he opened the door.

We all got inside finding 2 hallways on each side as well as 2 sets of stairs leading to the top center of the room, the room also had a straight hallway that lead to somewhere else.

Felix: I think we should go to the second floor.- He suggested as he started going up, we all stayed alert in case of anything popping out of nowhere.

As we got to the second floor we saw this huge main room with lots of hallways leading each to a different way, the walls were covered in clipboards and some posters.

Gigi: This place is huge.- She said looking around.

Max: I think we should split up to look for the others.- He said pointing his flashlight at one of the hallways.

Riss: Are you aware that we only have 1 radio and if we split up we are probably gonna get even more lost?- I said stating the obvious.

Gigi: She has a point.- She said supporting me.

Max: Then what would you suggest?- He asked clearly annoyed.

Riss: For now, let's just look around, and try and find some kind of clue that may lead us to the others.- I said as I directed my flashlight to one of the walls.

We all agreed as we started looking around. This whole placed seemed....abandoned, the halls seemed cleaned but empty, the clipboards in the walls had posters on them with events from quite some time ago... maybe the university didn't get to start classes again...

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