Z land pt.10

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P.O.V Gigi
I was still staring at him as I felt my heart race, why do I feel this way? We've been friends since more than 3 years and I've never felt something for him.....until now?

Hyunsuk: Hey! What are you two doing?- He asked out of nowhere as he pulled me back to reality.

Hyunjin: Nothing, just enjoying the rain a little.- He said as he started to put me down.

Hyunsuk: You two should come in, y'all are gonna catch a cold if you stay out in the rain.- He said as he looked a lil...mad.

Gigi: It's okay, the rest of the guys are also outside see?- I said pointing towards the guys from the dorm team that were coming this way running apparently really happy for what I could see.

Hyunsuk: Either way, get inside they'll get here eventually.- He said walking inside, Hyunjin turned to me with a "wtf is wrong with him?" Look.

I shrugged my shoulders as we both began to run inside.

After a couple of minutes all the groups got together as we completed the search of the whole university, the dorm team seemed really excited and happy so we all couldn't wait to hear what they had to say.

Chan: So, dorm team, what did you find?- He asked curious.

Riss: We literally hit the jackpot, the dorms aside from being free of Rotters they are in perfect conditions to live.- She said excited.

Mashiho: Yeah, everything was clean and the place even has electricity by solar panels.- He said excited as everyone looked completely shocked.

Felix: We went into the other dorms but the electricity problems didn't let us open the rooms maybe the panels are damaged or something? We didn't even check the roof.- He said explaining.

Wonho: Wow....this could really be our safe zone then, the outsides of the university have little to no Rotters we could just build up the walls a bit and we can make this place a really good one to live in, hell we can even admit some survivors in the future.- He said excited, everyone seemed happy and with hope on their eyes.

Woojin: Wow, you are thinking too much into the future don't you think?- He asked in a sarcastic way....weird.

Minho: He's not wrong, we are what? 17 people? And there's thousands of rooms, as far as I know there's also a whole ass cafeteria that we can also use, it would be really selfish if we just keep all of this to ourselves.- He said giving him a harsh look...this is weird, I'll ask Em if she knows what's going on with them.

Chan: Exactly, but for now let's focus on what we need, that's supplies of course.- He said as he brought a map with him.

Chan: Tomorrow let's search the stores that are close by, since now it's raining it's going to bring us a little disadvantage if we try to go against Rotters.- He said as everyone gathered around the map.

Hyunsuk: Wait, won't the rain actually make it better? Remember the Rotters are attracted to sound, if it's pouring outside they'll get disoriented easily.- He said to which most of us agreed.

Jeongin: I know most of the stores and pharmacies around here we can go there first if y'all want.- He said looking at the map.

Wonho: Let's split up, 4 teams.- He said to which all of us started to make them.

Team 1:

Team 2:

Team 3:

Team 4:

Wonho: Since we are not very far from the other "safe zone" it'll probably be good for us to leave a team to guard the place while the others look for supplies.- He said as we all got ready to go out, the Jeep was not in conditions to be used so we were gonna walk to the closest places that we could reach.

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