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Em: Ok so I'm having kind of a dejavú that I actually got seats with both of you.- I said a little weirded out.

Hyunsuk: You are weird.- He said joking.

Em: And you are in love with Gigi so...- I said attacking back.

Junkyu: OHHHHH- He said chanting.

Hyunsuk: Come on, I know you have a little interest in someone.- He said nudging his heads towards Yedam.

I tried my best not to blush.

Em: I don't see what you are talking about.- I said trying to defend myself.

Hyunsuk: Want me to scream his name?- He said threatening.

Junkyu: OHHHHH!- He screamed.

Em: Junkyu I swear if you don't shut up Imma call Riss, cause I know about your secret too.- I said and he shut up almost immediately.

Junkyu: Fine, let stop this fight before it gets worse.- He said changing of topic.

Hyunsuk and Em: Agreed.- We said at the same time.

Mr.Buckbeak: So students, I know you are new here and all but I'm gonna need to know how much knowledge you all have in my subject so I'm gonna make a test, it won't affect your grade but it'll show me how much you know.- He said as he handed in the papers.

We took some time to finish them and after that he graded them on the spot while he gave us free time in which Felix and Gigi danced to fornite moves with the skeleton model in class, the guys had an arm wrestling contest in which Woojin won and some of us started making origami with Seungmin as the teacher.

Mr.Buckbeak: Ok students, here are your places considering knowledge in chemistry.- He said writing the names out in the board.

1-Gigi (of course cause genius)
2-Yedam and Chan
3-Riss (intellectual queen)
4-Jisung and me

Mr.Buckbeak: Well all of you passed the test so you all have enough knowledge for my class, so now that we are done I think we can watch a movie since it's the first day and I'm out of stuff to do for today.- He said as he turned on the projector.

All: YEEESS!- We all cheered excited.

Mr.Buckbeak: Well, theres this new movie it's the new one about Spider-Man.- He said reading the title.

Riss: YES! I mean....yeah why not.- She said trying to hide her excitement cause of course she loves Tom Holland.

Junkyu: So I can see she likes Spider-Man.- He whispered to me.

Em: Not only spider Tom Holland is her golden one.- I said back.

Junkyu: Golden? What?- He asked confused.

Em: It's something only TGT understand.- I said back as the movie started.


P.O.V Gigi.
We were halfway through the movie and the most exciting part was going on....but the bell rang.

Mr.Buckbeak: Okay thats it for today, you need to go to your other class.- He said and everyone complained cause of how excited we were.

Riss: BUT YOU CANT STOP IT THERE!- She almost screamed.

Chan: Riss you have watched this movie at least 3 times now.- He said trying to calm her down.

Riss: Still it's Tom Holland right there.- She said pointing at the movie.

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