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We arrive at the hotel around dinner time. I check the room first too see if my mom was there though, I figured she'd be in the dinning hall.

My suspicions are proven correct, when I find a note from my mother on my bed it states: If I'm not back before you, I went to the dinning hall for dinner.

Liam and I headed to the dinning hall together in search of my mother and of course food.

"She'll probably freak out when she sees you.....just saying" I warn when I think back to my reaction earlier.

"Eh, not surprised considering how to her knowledge I'm dead." Liam waves off.

I look from table to table finally catching sight of my mom, at the end of the hall. She is seated with a few people I'm guessing she met them while I was away today.

"Excuse me, hello mother would you mind if we joined you?" I gesture behind me to Liam.

"Of course you can come on kids." She smiles and gestures to the empty seats across from her.

As if just now registering she gasp and covers her mouth quickly "Liam?" She ask.

I nod and he speaks "Yes, ma'am it's me. I think me and Brie have a lot of explaining to do later."

"Oh surely..um lets enjoy this dinner." She recovers struggling to take her eyes off of Liam as if he'll disappear if she does.

Liam and I grab dinner and seat ourselves around the table with my mother and her guest. We talk about things like, weather academics and other neutral topics.

Liam says he needs to speak with his mother and he'll be at our suite shortly after.

"Can you believe it mom? Liam Payne is not dead, he's breathing he has flesh, and blood is pumping through his veins." I stress

"No, not at all I can't believe it, how'd you find him?"

"Well I walked to this park ,and he came and talked to me. We ended up at his apartment and..... guess what?" My mom nods as if to say what "His dad is the guy from Fouth-Will that told us how to hail a cab. Annnnd guess what else...... The front desk receptionist is his mom!" I exclaim.

My moms eyes are bulging out of their sockets. "Oh I should've known"

"I know right."

"So he's not dead though what's that about? I mean of course I don't want him dead but..."

I understand my mom's drift and respond "Nope ..... Nick lied and said he was-" A knock on the door interrupted my sentence.

I hop up from the bed and run to the door looking through the peephole expectantly. I see brown hair and know it has to be Liam. I crack the door just to be sure and look at who's on the other side. Sure enough it's him.

"Come in."

I move out of the way, and allow his entrance following as soon as the door clicks closed.

"Hello Miss." Liam nods respectively

"Hi Liam." My mom is short but, I know she doesn't mean it to be rude.

Liam sits in the arm chair near the window.

"So what happened will someone please explain?" My mother pleads.

"I can tell you what I know which isn't much but its something" Liam shrugs.

My mom nods and Liam starts "I came here to Wolverhampton because I'm on break..... I asked Nick to take good care of Brie while I was away. Of course he agreed but I guess he tried to use it against me or something?" I didn't find out you two thought I was dead until brie told me earlier. She told me about you guys flying across the world which I'd like to thank you so much for. She told me how Nick didn't want her to go and she didn't know why. My guess is so he could have you all to himself."

"Mhm sounds right that greedy jerk!" I mumble to myself.

"How long have you been here? Is it possible that he really does think you are dead?" My mom asks

"About three days..... I guess there is the--"

"Oh no!" I cut in "....He knew Liam was not dead! He's been jealous of Liam since the day we met him."

Liam nods "Yeah tis' true."

My mom sighs "I don't know Brie, he was such a nice boy I just don't see his intentions being pure evil." She defends.

"I certainly do." I cross my arms over my chest and huff.

"Well we're supposed to be heading back tomorrow night so we can figure everything out once we're back settled and all." My mom suggest. "When will you get back from break Liam?"

"Oh um....I think I'm supposed to be back at school in about a week but, I plan on heading home soon as well. Not tomorrow night but, probably next Monday so I can get back adjusted and everything."

My mom nods in understanding "That makes perfect sense."

"That's because Liam here does, rational things like that, not things like get so jealous that he tells his ex-girlfriend that their supposed to be mutual friends is dead." I grumble

"Ohhhhhkay Brie......I think some sleep will do you good, what do you think Liam?" My mom looks to Liam for help. She gives him that one face to where he knows he's supposed to agree even if he doesn't actually agree.

"Mother knows best." He pipes.

"Yeah yeah." I mock climbing to the top of the bed.

"It's okay Brie, this sleep will make you feel much better." Liam chuckles walking around the bed he tucks me in and kisses my forehead "She you tomorrow pretty lady." He whispered winking and exiting the room.

"Sweet dreams baby girl." My mom yawns from the other side of the bed.

I surprise myself when within the next few seconds I'm out like a light.


Nicks gonna get itttttt

Just saying

Okay well not much to say

Happy birthday Tommo :)!


All I want for Christmas is for you not to copy but please

Comment .x.Vote.x.Share


® All rights reserved to DanceEatSleepRepeat ~*~

Til' next time!


Just A Friend (Liam Payne A.U.)Where stories live. Discover now