Chapter 4

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Emma's sneaky expression changed to one of both shock and amazement at the sight in front of her. Emma had heard about this from the stories Alya and Nino would tell her about her parents. "But...but they told me they didn't know where it was. Did-did they lie to me this whole time!" Emma could barely process what was happening as she gazed into the safe, wondering if it truly was what she thought. Emotions spiralled in her head, leaving her a confused mess. She was feeling so much all at once: angry that she was lied to; confused as to why they would lie; she was hurt, upset, confused, relieved, and she was happy. She was happy because, sitting right before her eyes, was the legendary Miracle Box she had heard so much about. It was just how they described it, the box was a bright red and held more of a spherical shape than a box shape. All along the edges were 17 large black spots. It was a Ladybug pattern and matched the Ladybug suit perfectly. Was mom the last guardian? Emma felt drawn to the box, it felt like more than her usual curiosity though, it felt like fate... or at least what she thought fate would feel like.

Emma gulped nervously before reaching out with two shaky hands towards the Miracle Box in front of her. Her hands hovered over the sides of the box; she took a deep, shaky breath before finally placing her small hands gently on the vibrant object. When her hands connected with the cool wooden texture, a bright glow appeared around it, causing Emma to squint her eyes a little as she waited for them to adjust away from the previous the darkness of the living room. Once her eyes came into focus, surrounding each dot, in an almost featherlike shape, a white line appeared. It looked as if the like was emitting a faint light and within another second, glowing symbols started appearing on each of the spots. She saw many shapes and symbols, including an orange tail like shape, a pink mouse-like shape, and white goat silhouette. There were so many shapes for her to view, but the two that caught her attention most, were the one which held a grey paw print and a bigger one with red with black spots and a line splitting down the middle... it was a ladybug. As Emma's hands reached out to touch the paw print with one hand and ladybug with another, she was suddenly drawn away. It was strange, the feeling Emma had gotten at that moment, she didn't know why but she somehow felt that what she was reaching for was wrong. Without really knowing why, she spun the box around and came face to face with a blue clock. This... this feels right. Emma thought to herself. She placed her hand over the spot and let out another awed gasp.

The line feathering out around the clock shone brighter than the rest and emitted a pale blue light. The spot was pushed outwards with Emma's and revealed what looked like... "A blue pocket watch?" She questioned aloud. Giving one last glance to the paw print, she reached for the pocket watch. Emma squinted her eyes as there was, yet again, another flash of light. Why is there so much glowing today?

When Emma finally opened her eyes again, she saw a small floating creature resembling a bunny but, different? It had a large, round head with long ears and fluff covering its entire body. The torso resembled a human's, but it had two large feet, well large compared to the test of the creature. "Are... are you a Kwami?" She asked the... thing. Emma had been told a lot about Kwamis, but she had no recollection of ever actually seeing one. From what she could remember from the stories, they are god like beings who all have a separate purpose, no two Kwamis are exactly alike. Each Kwami has a different animal witch they are paired to and have their own concept. Ladybug's Kwami was the Kwami of creation, Chat Noir's was the Kwami of destruction. Opposite in every way... yet they are perfect for each other, they complete each other.

"Yes I am. My names Fluff" The rabbit Kwami said before spinning in the air, it looked like a cartwheel, only staying in the same place. "What time was it tomorrow and when will it be yesterday" Fluff said once he had stopped spinning, flicking its head left and right before landing on Emma's shoulder. She wasn't sure whether the Kwami was asking a question or not during his small speech and she was still slightly shocked upon seeing the creature.

"So... um, Fluff, what err, what type of Kwami are you." Emma asked unsure if what to say to the powerful being resting on her.

"Time, always on time but never the right time." He responded. "Time is always clockwise when it's on but counter-clockwise when it's off. Time moves when we want."

Emma was even more confused after hearing the Kwamis rambling. "What do you mean time's always clockwise-" Emma was cut off mid-sentence as she felt something strange. She felt stronger physically, but weaker at the same time, almost as if she were tired. She felt her pyjamas melt away only to be replaced by a new, tighter material. Emma looked down to see that she had transformed into some kind of superhero! She was ecstatic! Emma recognised the costume from drawings in the famous comics by Marc and Nathaniel- old classmates and friends of her parents. The comics had stories of all the superheroes Paris had seen since Ladybug and Chat Noir first appeared many years ago. Emma realised she looked exactly like Bunnix only much smaller.

After placing the miracle box back into the safe and locking it, she ran up to her room to pull out her collection of comics. Every time Marc and Nathaniel had created a new comic together, they would bring the first copy to Emma as their own way of remembering her mother and all she did for the now married artists. They didn't know about Marinette's secret identity, no one did, but she was the one who brought them together to make the comics so they found it fitting that her only daughter would be the first one to receive each comic. Emma could never bring herself to open the comics though, it was too hard for her, so she kept them together in the best condition she could as she thought the two men had been really sweet to do this for her and enjoyed receiving them either way.

After quietly running back to her room, Emma collapsed to her floor beside her single bed and reached under it. She pulled out a large black tub, revealing the hundreds of sealed comic books she owned. Searching through all the comics, Emma looked for one showcasing the hero Bunnix. "A-hah! Found you." Emma whispered to herself, finally coming across the comic she was looking for, it was based off when Ladybug and Chat Noir fought Timetagger by the Louvre, with the help of Bunnix. "She must have been the last holder of this miraculous." Emma voiced her thoughts as she read through the comic. Taking a deep breath, Emma opened the comic book, she saw how Timetagger had been sent back from the future by Hawkmoth to capture the Miraculous. Bunnix had used her special ability of travelling through time to help Ladybug and Chat Noir save the day after they had freed her from where she was trapped due to the miraculous being damaged. I wonder how that happened... she thought.

Emma dropped the comic on the ground as she realised the power she held in her hands. "Holy spots!! This... this is amazing! Do you know what this means!" She said to herself, bubbling with anticipation and excitement. Emma looked down to the pocket watch in her hands as tears fell down her cheeks once more. Unlike the tears usually shed on her birthdays, these were tears of joy. "I can save them." She fell to her knees before grasping the watch tight in her hands and standing up. With a determined look on her face she spoke to herself once more. "I will save them!"

With that single thought guiding her, Emma opened a crack through time. A pure white circle appeared in front of her, brightening up her bedroom, and she stepped inside, the determination she felt never once wavering.

(A/N) 1439 words. Don't really have anything to say in this one. I'm too tired to think of something.

So see ya later ✌🏻🐞🐾

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