Chapter Two

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Axel woke up to an empty bed, sitting on the edge he looked at the nightstand. Noticing two painkillers, water and a steaming cup of coffee. Popping both pills and sipping some of the coffee, he got out of bed and had another shower and made himself look more presentable.

Walking downstairs he noticed that the house was spotless, and Alana having a conversation with his mom. Kissing his mom on the cheek, he grabbed his plate from the stove. Sitting down next to Alana he began to eat, "so Axel Chance Harris, I see that Lana did an excellent job on clean up. I wouldn't have known, you threw a party last night. If it wasn't for your disgusting girlfriend, sending me a video of strangers in my house. Plus the icing on the fucking cake, the video ends with the two of you having sex. Obviously the twit, was trying to send it to someone else." Said his mother glaring daggers at him, while both him and Alana choked on their breakfast.

The trio sat in silence staring at one another, feeling her phone vibrate caused Alana to look at it. Missing the brief, look of sadness grace His mom's face. "Uh, I gotta jet dad is looking for me. Good luck Axel and ma go easy on him, he wasn't the one in the video." Alana made her way quickly home, because she knew her ass was grass. Taking a deep breath she entered the house, "we're in the living room young lady." Hanging her head in shame, Alana hesitantly walked down the three steps to the living room.

Sitting on one side of the living room were her parents, Matt and Adrian looking very serious. Sitting down across from them, she waited for the lecture to begin.

"How many times have I told you stop listening to my radio?" Sighing Alana sat back, "over a hundred times. Dad you need to understand, I heard a call about Axel's place...." She tried to continue but Adrian stopped her, "Alana I understand he's your best friend. Yet what would have happened, if you couldn't have stopped the party? Then what?"

Alana stayed quiet, because in all honesty she never thought of the what if? Since the issue never came up, Alana never really took the time to think of the consequences. "True. Still though, I can handle myself. I'm CPR certified, plus taken self defence classes. Soo I'm good in the defending and rescuing departments." Alana watched as both parents looked at each other and knew that they were going to continue with the lecture.

Sighing in defeat she threw her hands up, "fine next time I'll be more careful." There was a slight hesitation, before Matt spoke. "Alana honey there won't be a next time..." "what? What do you mean, there won't be a next time? I said I'll be more careful, what's the issue now?" Alana asked becoming irritated, "we're moving." Standing up in protest she glared at the both of her parents, "you've got to be kidding me. It's going to be my junior year of school, you can't do this to me. Can't I stay with Axel and Cora, for the next two school years and then I'll be off to university the year after?"

"Sorry Lana, Cora's already asked us but I would like us to be a single unit. Plus I was asked to become police sergeant, of a precinct in Elderberry." Throwing her hands up again, she felt like kicking something. "You've got to be shitting me, you're moving us to some small bum fuck of a town just so you can become sergeant? You do realize you just got us killed, or have you forgotten that I'm not exactly snowflake white. And you two aren't of the straight persuasion, yet here you are carting our asses off to some country bumpkin town."

Adrian looked sharply at Matt, who burst into laughter at her rant. Finally composing himself Matt apologized and looked apologetically at Alana. "Trust me the town isn't that bad, they are very forward thinking. As well as very diverse," explained Adrian trying to ease her anxiety.

Hours later Alana found herself packing, because they needed to be moved out in little over a week. Coming across a picture, she and Axel had taken a week prior. Alana knew she needed to tell him, and just have him tell her it was going to be okay. Fifteen minutes later she was knocking on his door, Axel opened it glaring at her. Gulping Alana shifted under his gaze. "I guess you already know," came her only reply. Nodding his head Axel crossed his arms, "you promised after my dad left you'd never leave me."

Alana loved Axel to the moon and back, but if there was one thing that pissed her off more. It had to be how strongly he held onto a promise, if you broke the promise no matter how small. It would take you a long time, to get back in his good books. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Alana sighed in frustration. "I know I promised you that and I meant it, but honestly how was I supposed to know. That my dad was going to move us, for some job promotion. You know I would never intentionally leave you, I tried everything but dad wants us as a whole family."

Alana began to choke up, because she didn't want to spend her last few days fighting with him. "Can we just go grab a burger and milkshake?" She pleaded with him, her greyish green eyes searched his green ones. Hoping that he would understand, the longer he stayed quiet the more she knew he wouldn't forgive her. Absolutely done with the conversation, Axel was about to close the door when she cried out. "You're just going to throw away years of friendship?"

Looking back at her Axel's glare grew more heated, "no you threw it away. So fuck you Alana." She watched as he slammed the door in her face, holding in a sob Alana walked back to her car and sped home. "Why wouldn't you just tell her you would miss her?" Asked his mom after hearing the explosive, argument between the two. Axe rolled his eyes, and stalked up to his bedroom.

After the argument Alana, kept to herself packing. She was grateful that it was summer vacation, which meant she didn't have to see anyone. Once they all were packed, and moving day had arrived. Alana followed her parents, and the moving trucks. As they left the neighbourhood, she never looked back. It would hurt for awhile, but Alana knew she would be able to get over it.

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