Chapter Eight

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As thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years passed, Alana still hadn't talked to Axel. Now it was the senior class trip, the school was sending all the seniors to Punta Cana. The seniors couldn't wait to leave, their small town for a week. The night before Renata stayed over at Alana's, so they could go to the airport together. As the two were getting ready for bed, Renata looked at Alana preparing to ask a question.

"Say Lana, do you think you'll ever forgive Axel?" This question instantly got Alana to stop packing, and stare at Renata. Truthfully that question had been, weighing on her mind for months. On one hand she didn't want to forgive him, because he seriously crossed a line. Yet on the other hand, she missed him a lot. "Honestly Ren I don't know, I do and I don't I seriously want to throat punch him. Then again I just want him, to hold and tell me everything is going to be alright." Hearing that made Renata swoon, and begin to devise a plan on getting them back together. This time it's going to be super easy, seeing as she's super close with both of them.

Next morning both girls made it to the airport, and waited with the others to board the plane. Getting to her seat Alana sat down at the window seat, waiting for Renata to sit next to her. She was looking out at the tarmac, when someone sat next to her. Alana was going to say something, thinking the person was Renata. When she actually looked her eyes rolled, seeing that it was Axel beside her. Silently she slipped on her headphones, and looked out the window. It was going to be a really long flight, she sure as hell was going to kill Renata for doing this to her. As soon as the plane was in the air Alana had fallen asleep, unbeknownst to her while she slept. She shifted causing her head to rest, against Axel's shoulder which he didn't mind.

Four hours later as the plane was preparing to land, Alana had woken up and noticed she was leaning on Axel. Sitting up quickly she looked at him, apologized softly before packing up her stuff. Smiling a little Axel shrugged and told her, it was no big deal even though she snored and drooled. This caused her to look mortified, and glance at his shoulder to see if she did drool.

Seeing no stain she narrowed her eyes at him and pushed his arm, "Axel Chance Harris you're an asshole. You know I don't drool or snore." This caused Axel to burst out laughing while standing up from his seat, "I know but your face was priceless." He said laughing harder as the pair walked off the plane, to meet up with the rest of the class. Alana just scowled the whole time, while waiting for her bag.

As soon as she saw her bag Alana was going to reach for it, but Axel beat her too it feeling her heart race. Alana thanked him before running off to find Renata, finding her Alana nearly knocked the girl over. By rolling her suitcase, into the back of her legs. "Yo bitch thanks for ditching me on the plane," Alana said while Renata held her hands up in mock surrender. "Girl sorry it's just....uh Peyton hates flying, and he asked me to sit with him at the last second." Not believing her Alana hummed in disbelief, before the teachers came and gathered up the students. They all loaded on the buses, and set off towards the Resort.

Getting to the hotel all the students piled out, and lined up waiting for their room keys. "Alright guys prior to getting here, you were told to submit your roommate. So when I call your names come and get your room keys," said the teacher who then began calling out names. Renata went and grabbed their keys, the girls smiled and waited for the rest of the names to be called.

"Alright guys remember to be on your best behaviour, because depending on how you act here. Will determine if you walk for graduation. Now enjoy your senior trip, all info has been provided in your packet. There will be one teacher chaperoning on each floor, and their room number is located in your packets. With that being said guys, have an awesome trip and enjoy yourselves."

Cheering the students all made their way toward the elevators, anxiously waiting for the doors to open. Getting on Alana and Renata, talked animatedly until they hit the fourth floor. Entering their room, the girls squealed running to pick their beds. Renata took the bed by the door, while Alana jumped on the bed by the balcony. Rolling onto her back she smiled up at the ceiling, as she couldn't wait to get to the beach or the pool. Sitting up she watched as Renata started to unpack, looking in the other direction Alana got up to check the balcony.

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