Chapter Two

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“And there she was, the Queen of Hearts, games of murder, twas her art, her and the prince, wearing pale rinse, they paint the town red, but now this Prince wants her head.” Rhymed the strange man while his victim said nothing, strapped to a chair.

“You’re not saying anything. No comebacks? No questions? Joker wants you brought in alive OR dead but you dont have anything to say about it?” the man inquired moving closer to his captive.

Just as he got to less than a metre away the room filled with the sound of shattering glass. The man was surrounded on four sides by vigilantes and landing in front of him, blocking his advance on his prisoner, standing tall was Batman. Before he could make a peep a right hook from the caped crusader caught him across the jaw.

“No rhymes, no half truth, no games Hatter. Where’s Joker? And why use you to lift Quinn off the street?” interrogated Batman menacingly.

“I knew ya cared Batsy. Nice to see the gang saving me rather than chasing me, it’s a strange feeling being the shoe on the other foot? Being the grass over the hill? Being on the other side of the window? Eh ya know what I mean.” Blurted Harley as Poison Ivy freed her from the ropes.

“Now probably isnt the best time to talk.” She whispered to Harley as she passed her gaze back to Batman glaring at them.


Damian and Raven had been travelling for a few hours today, sticking to back roads as advised by Bruce before leaving.

“Do you need a break?” he asked Raven through the telepathic link that they had re-established.

“Yea, My legs are starting to go numb.” She replied as she rubbed her thigh trying to encourage the blood to circulate properly.

Damian saw a sign advertising  a small diner that was only a few miles ahead. “Ok we can pull in there and stretch our legs and eat.” He said pointing out the advertisement.

It wasnt long before they were pulling into the parking lot of a small motel and diner. Damian parked up the bike and the pair jumped off and took in their surroundings. Raven admired the views and the nature, Damian analysed entry or exit points and possible threats around them. “Its quiet here, peaceful. A nice spot hidden from the highways.” Raven observed with a smile.

Damian took a moment to finish his assessment. “Yes I agree, and there are three ways out if we have to leave as well as this parking lot being rather open if we have to fight.” He concluded with eyes narrowed doing a second inspection of the tree line.

“Damian. You’ve been on edge since we left Gotham. I know you’re worried but, could you relaxed, just a little. This is the first time you and I have had some time with just us. I’d, I’d like us to both be here, just here, with each other.” Raven said plainly but also nervously. She was still discovering her feelings and explaining them was difficult as she’d always suppressed them before. Now with her father gone she was free to explore her emotions but she felt a little, upset, as she found that although she was free to feel, Damian had begun shutting down and was focusing on threats, combatants, strategies. She felt he wasn’t joining her in their discovery of what they felt for each other and that was producing a feeling of sadness within her.

Damian stopped and turned to her, looked her in the eyes and Raven felt her heart flutter. It felt like he wasn’t looking at her exactly, definitely wasn’t looking passed her, he was looking within her, expressing everything in him to her. “I’ve made you feel sad. I apologise. That’s not my intent and I will never willingly try to upset you Raven. I know you read the files and heard our stories, it’s just. With Joker being on the loose, I dont want him to hurt you, I want to keep you safe. I see however, that I may have focused too much on that and forgotten that I’m not alone and that you are very capable yourself. I’m sorry.” He explained without breaking eye contact to allow Raven to see him. It reminded Raven that he was like her, he was discovering true feelings of love for the first time. Trained as an assassin from birth, isolated from everyone only to be thrown into the world as the son of Bruce Wayne and trained again by Batman. She understood him and he understood her, she loved him and he loved her.

Raven Roth and Damian Wayne: Walking Ever Onward (Book 2 Of 2)Where stories live. Discover now