Chapter Three

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“Master Damian. Good to see you’re unharmed.” Said a kind voice on the end of a video call on the laptop. Raven walked over to join Damian. “And Miss Roth, a pleasure to see you as well.”

“Hello Alfred, nice to see you again.” Raven replied with a smile.

“Is father around, we have somethings to discuss. “Damian asked, rather casually Raven noted to herself.

“Right here Damian.” Replied Batman as he joined the video call from the Batmobile. “I’m running down some leads on Joker and have a lot to fill you in on, so get comfortable.” He added and Damian could tell that he was irritated under the cowl.

Damian shifted in his seat to settle himself in for a long call. Raven felt an unease fall upon her, she could sense an aura of uncertainty coming from Batman that she hadn’t felt when they were preparing to fight her father, there was an amount of fear swirling beneath the cowl and it was building.

“Ok father, what’s going on?” Damian asked breaking Raven from her ponderings.

“Arkhams gone.” Batman replied without adding anything else and just letting the words hang there.

“Gone? What do you mean gone?” Damian responded in a tone of disbelief and Raven felt him become tense.

“From investigating the scene all guards posted at the asylum have been deceased for 8 to 10 days. All reports out or responses to scheduled check ins have been made by the inmates. Working for, though they say with, Joker. Then last night at 02:48 am the building exploded. There is nothing left of Arkham Asylum, It’s gone Damian. Any criminals caught at from this point on would usually go to Blackgate.” Batman explained then let out a deep sigh through a snarl slowly growing on his face.

“You said usually? Has something also happened at this Blackgate?” Asked Raven trying to remain a calming point for both Damian and Batman.

“You theorise correctly my dear. Blackgate, as of 5 hours ago, has broken out into riots prison wide. Their staff are failing to contain it. Master Jason and Miss Helena have made their way to the prison to offer assistance. However…” Alfred explained only to be interrupted by the beeping Batcomputer behind him.
“Ah, that would be them now. One moment please.” He continued before adding the incoming call to their current briefing.

“Hey Alfred, good Bruce and D are here as well. Nice to see you again too Raven.” Said Jason as his call joined everyone elses.

“Why aren’t you geared up and in Blackgate?!” Batman asked a little more forcefully than he had intended.

“I’m gunna let the attitude slide cause I know whats at stake. To answer your question, we were in gear and we’ve been inside three times. The first we offered to help, the warden refused us and sent us packing. We snuck in put down a couple and helped a guard escape getting eaten by King Shark. Why is King Shark there I hear you ask. I have no freaking idea. Helena thought it was fishy too… Ha, anyway we decided to go for stealth and we found that Sharky boy is just extra muscle, Penguin is here running the show, moving prisoners, giving strategy meetings and best of all, helping guards look good on camera while they fake riots and sneak the maximum security prisons out to Two Face. Someone, we all know who, has lit one hell of a fire under everyones ass and they’re all suddenly very cooperative and very orginised.” Jason explain as Helena joined him on screen.

“Hi everyone, so Jay filled you in. I really don’t like this. I’ve had word from Barb too, Maxi Zeus, Riddler, Scarecrow and Hush are all up to something as well. She saw them heading to amusement mile and she’s certain they either saw her or knew she was there as Zeus invite ‘one and all to come see the show, man or cat, bat or girl.’ Everyone is heading there.” Helena informed the assembled team as everyone waited for Batmans response.

Raven Roth and Damian Wayne: Walking Ever Onward (Book 2 Of 2)Where stories live. Discover now