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We stopped by the café so Carter could get coffee and I could get tea. We headed back home and sat on my balcony basking in the sunshine. I’ll be honest; I really didn’t want to hang out with Carter today. He seemed nice enough, but I preferred solitude. I liked quiet and I had a feeling he would be asking me a billion questions today. I pushed my sunglasses up. The sun was unbearably bright today and was stinging my eyes. Carter sat across from me with his laptop open. He was typing away at something while I wrote a letter.

“What’re you writing about?” he asked. 

“Nothing,” I said blankly. 

“You’re writing about nothing?”

“No. I’m writing a letter”

“Oh. To who?”

“My dad”

He was silent for a few seconds. 

“Where does he live?” he asked, the curiosity in his voice completely obvious. 

I continued writing, not answering him. Finally, I sighed.

“He lives in... Texas,” I answered. “Yeah, lets go with that,” I muttered under my breath.

“Are you parents divorced?”


“When did they get divorced?”

“When I was four”

“Do you still see your dad?”

I cringed. 

“Less questions, more silence. Thanks,” I said in a cold tone. I hated when people asked me about my family. It felt odd.

“Humph, fine,” he said rolling his eyes and looking back into the screen of his laptop. 

I continued writing. It had been a few hours since we’d eaten at the café and I was beginning to feel the empty feeling in the pit of my belly.

“Hungry?” I asked, hoping he’d say yes.

“Actually, yes”

I smiled. “Be right back”

I rose from my chair and gingerly skipped to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of fresh strawberries and two glasses of water. I walked back to the balcony slowly, making sure not to trip and drop everything piled on the tray. Carter dug into the strawberries as soon as I put the tray down. He bit into the tip and continued to take a few small bites before popping the entire thing into his mouth.

“These are really good. Thank you,” he said with an eager smile. I smiled back.

He scooted his chair closer to mine, his breath on my neck. “What are you writing to your father?” he asked as he brushed pieces of hair behind my ear. 

I wasn’t fazed. I just sat there and continued writing, not listening whatsoever. I had no intention of answering him.


I pushed another strand of hair away from her face. Why was she so immune to me? “Kadence,” I said breathing down her neck. She didn’t get chills, she didn’t moan. Nothing. I put my hand on her cheek, tracing stars on her jaw and neck. Nothing, again.

“Do you want to read it?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said as I reached out for the paper.

“Nope,” she said with a grin before she moved the paper out of my reach.

“Oh, come on,” I sighed. Must she tease me in every way possible?

“You want it?” she asked with a smirk.

“Yes,” I said reaching my hand out and trying to snatch it from her.

“How bad?” she teased.

I leaned into her neck. “Almost as bad as I want you, Kadence,” I said huskily as I planted a soft kiss against her neck.

She stood up abruptly, the letter in her hands.

“Well you can’t have it,” she said as she strolled into her room. “Or me”

Damn it. “Why not?”

“It’s private. Maybe I’ll write you a letter sometime”

“Not that, the other part,” I said as I crossed my arms. No girl said no to me.

“Because, Carter,” she said as she approached me. Now her body was against mine. I tired to put my arms around her waist put she pushed them down.

“You’re very charming...” she whispered into my ear. I could feel my heartbeat getting faster and faster. I wanted to grab her arms and kiss her rougher than anyone else ever had. I controlled myself, of course. “But I’m not that easy,” she stated plainly as she walked away, a devilish smirk plastered on her face.

I caught my breath. “God, you’re a tease”

She laughed.

“I’m going to a party tonight. It should be pretty fun. Want to come?”

“For sure,” I said with a grin. “What time?”

“At nine, meet me in the hall and we’ll take my car”

“Alright, it’s a date, babe,” I said with a smirk.

“Sure it is,” she said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

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