Chapter 10

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5 years ago continuation

Carter's POV

"TAKE the keys, analyse him from behind the scene, we don't want him to overreact. This is just an experiment" a familiar voice woke me up from the nightmares, more like a DVD played in sync on repeat- 'my wife's suicide'. This voice is familiar, so familiar, yet i feel so endangered. Why do i feel sick? What is happening to me?

My eyes were glued shut, I thought out loud for help but my voice never left my dry throat. I wanted to move, get an ice-cold full glass of water, gulp it down, and feel the ease. Something pulled me down but I wasn't physically strained to anything. The hot room soaked me with sweat and grilled me red. I could feel heat radiating within me.

The voices of two men echoed as if in a large tunnel or a high ceiling closed room, away from home, away from peace.

"Doctor Henry, he is gaining conscious." A stern male voice, foreign to my ears.

"Hello Mr. Carter, can you open your eyes?" Yes, this Henry... his voice is oddly familiar...

I tried to open my eyes but i failed.

"Mr. Carter, don't worry you will gain you conscious slowly, your senses will come to life gradually, Trust me". I bet he spoke those last words with a smug on his face

Trust me... trust? How shall I trust the one who is responsible for putting me this situation. 'I trust no one'.

"Not even your wife?" Henry spoke again. H..he...can read my thoughts?

"Oh Carter, don't strain yourself, and yes I can hear you. After all, I am inside your mind"

"You will know soon, trust me" A whisper tickled my left ear, such to an extent it left me a haunting sensation.

"True Blood will be crowned once again, and you will watch with your eyes. The kingdom will have their queen, the one and only Ezlanta"

'I knew it, that creature is still alive. It has to be someone I know. How can such a pathetic cursed creature be a true blood'. I thought with disgust.

"DONT YOU DARE!!!!!!" the screams ran violent breaking glass. "Never insult Ezlanta, you pathetic lowlife" He growled like a wolf.

I laughed inside, so Henry is fanboy huh? Why is that?

"Our queen took care of us, we pure-blooded humans have only one side to fall and rise. Ezlanta will rise"

'There can be a king only, which is me, set me lose, and fight like a man'.

He laughed and some others joined him. Their laugh mocked me.

The agony within me kept building until my voice tore my ears, I was as happy as little mermaid to gain her voice back. With difficulty I ripped my eyelids open. Gasping for air, I looked around. My eyes saw only darkness. I could not even see myself. Frantically, I touched myself, I could feel my body free from any ropes or chains. I was drugged severely.

"H...ello?" My voice echoed through the darkness, only to vibrate back to me.

"Henry, Show yourself!!" As I sit upright. "HENRY!"

I started to crawl on my palms. I felt the warm marble floor with the air stale, a sign for no windows or vents. But It must have a door. I crawled further, there was single bed laid on floor to the right, and a Japanese style low table with some kind of figure placed on it. After searching all four walls, this was what I found. How did I get in here? Automatically my eyes followed the ceiling. I checked my clothes if I could find something to climb up. I was changed into some kind of gown. It was thin cotton, covering the entire length of my limbs.

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