Get to know Rydel

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I opened the door and i saw a very stylish and classy furnished apartment. At all walls were pictures of Alexa,Savannah and Rydel. They looked so happy and as they were close friends. I've realized how much things i couldn't do with Alexa, because I was in germany. I agree I'd been a little bit jealous of them three. On another wall I saw a picture of Alexa and Rocky. Oh Gosh they are so sweet. And underneath this pic I saw a big family. I'd  recognized Ross,Ratliff,Rocky,Riker;Stormie,Ryland,Rydel,Mark,Alexa and a girl in Ryland's arm, I guessed it was Savannah. In this moment my fangirl side came out and a second after I shot a thousand questions in my head. Is Rydellington real? Why are Riker and Ross still single? Is Raura real? Who is this girl between Riker and Ross? etc. But i promised Alexa that i'll keep my R5er inside.

'Want a drink?' Alexa asked me.

'Yes sure,do you have sparkle water?' i asked back.

'give me a moment'.


We drank our water and then i went to ''my room'' to unpack my suitcases.

After 15 minutes i heard a voice,who said Is she already here? 

I knew this voice. It was Rydel.

'Roxy, somebody would love to meet you! Come down!' Alexa screamed as loud as she can.

Calm down Roxy! Don't be awkward! It's only a human like you! Stay cool!

The last time I was so nervous were at the M&G at a R5 concert.

'Hi i'm Roxy nice to meet you' i said a little bit shy.

Rydel hugged me 

'Hey i am Rydel but i guess you know me.' she said and pointed on my R5 necklace.

Oh Gosh I''ve  totally forgot to undressed my necklace. 

I looked a little bit helpless to Alexa. But she only form with her mouth the words It's okay

We sat on the couch.

'Alexa talked so much about you it seems like, you are a very nice and funny person. I like that.' Rydel said

'oh thank you.'

'You're welcome. You are a good friend of Alexa. And Alexa's good friends are my friends.'

OH MY GOSH..did THE Rydel Mary Lynch said I am her friend? 

'I appreciate it that. I think we'll have a good time.' i said,trying to don't blush as fuck.

'i hope it yet. I think Savanah will like you too. Sorry that she can't be here now but you'll see her at the party later. You come don't you?

Rydel Lynch had invited me for a party. 6 months ago I would not have expected that :OOO

'I don't know. I think Alexa would rather go without me.' 

'No way.' Alexa screamed.

'So i expect you. Both of you. At 8 at my place. Alexa now the way' she giggled and leave the apartment.

I smiled from ear to ear. Alexa looked at me and just giggled. 

'It was easier than i thought' i said.

'I knew you she would like you. And Savannah will like you too. So i guess somebody must go shopping with me for the party'. Alexa smirks.

'Yes why not. But you always look flawless. Look at me. Who would look at me? I do not have a nice figure like you neither perfect hair.

'Shut UP!' Alexa shouted at me. You are amazing just the way you are. And you've a nice and lovely character. I'll do your hair and it will looks perfect.'

'Thank you.You know this is the reason why i love you so damn much. I appreciate your effort to cheer me up.'

'Come here' she hugged me. 'And now we have to go shopping. Let's go

'let's do this' i laughed very motivated.

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