1. Follow these accounts SupahBadCommunity BadAssPeaBrain MsSupahlicious18
2. ADD this book to your library and public reading list.
3. SHARE this award to your message board.
4. Absolutely NO BRIBING the judges.
5. BE FRIENDLY people! We shall not have hate in this award! Support each other! We will ban/block people who will disregard this warning!
6. Yes you can enter another book but with different genre only!
7. You can be a judge but it must be a different genre from your book!
7. If you're done doing the steps above, comment inline here with DONE>
SupahBad Meme Awards 2020 [OPEN]
RandomOpen [✅] Judging [✅] Closed [] Don't think! Just join! We have Humor, Teen Fiction, Romance, Fanfiction, Random, and Short Story categories! But don't worry if you don't win! Because we still have Minor Prizes complete with stunning badges! Meme ph...