My Love

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"You can do it. You will be fine trust me". We walked in hand and hand with me holding on to him in a death grip. What am I sacred of you may ask. Well I am at my 10 year high school reunion. The women from my class well tear you apart with one look. I must admit they are my so called "friends".

"Hey calm down I will be right by your side to whole time. " my husband interrupts my thoughts. Man, I do t know where I would be without him. Looking deep into his eyes he says "I love you." I get butterflies every time he utters those words. I retire his words with a deep list full kiss. We walk into my class reunion and it seems like everyone just stops what they are doing and hawks at me. My husband Blake pushes me forward, encouraging me to go in. "Oh My God!". Blake shakes me to get my attention. He points to a women walking towards us. I'm guessing she wants to greet me. As she gets closer I notice she looks familiar. It couldn't be. No. It was my best friend from high school. Margret Adems.

"O.M.G. Look who it is! I have missed you so much girl. You look so... so GORGEOUS. And who is this sexy man you have yet to introduce me too". Man she could talk. All I got was girl, gorgeous, sexy, man, introduce. She shook Blake's hand and I new from the look that she was giving him that, she was ready to jump his bones. "Well come on you two, don't be strangers. We have been waiting for you". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Leah, so good to see you again". That's all everyone said to me. I had mastered the art of lip reading.

"Good to see you too."

I was at a table looking through my messages from my agent trying to look like I was occupied.

Blake had me taken from me awhile go by the use to be football team to talk about sports and what not. That's when I spotted him. My first love and the man who broke my heart. Drake Webber. He turned around and we made eye contact.

He looks the same blond hair sky blue eyes tall and skinny. He must have realized it was me because his smile faded instantly. I could see want and need. Did he still feel the same way? I could never forgive him for what he did to me.

"I'm sorry honey I didn't mean to leave you." I guess he saw I wasn't paying any attention to him. He got right in my face and asked if I was ok.

"Uh, yeah I'm... I'm fine" I stuttered.

"Come dance with me my love. " He pulled me up knowing I couldn't resist when he called me his love.

A fast song was playing. I could tell by the way people were grinding against each other. It reminded me of my high school dances.

Blake grabbed me and lead to I would know what beat we were dancing to. I rested my head into the crook of his neck. He had my favorite colon on.

We swayed back and forth rubbing against each other. Blake slowed the pace and we were swaying slowly to Celine Dion. I know it was Celine because Blake always had this specil look when ever he heard her sing.

lost all awareness of my surroundings. It was just Blake and I no one else. His smile made me feel special. Like I was the only person he wanted. There was no one but him wanting more. Suddenly, we stopped dancing and I looked around. All eyes on us once again. They had a look of aw on their faces.

I turned to Margret and saw she had a huge smile on her face. Everyone started clapping for us. I turned to Blake for an answer but he just smiled at me and everything was ok again.


Ok so this was my fisrt every story. It is not edited.So I know there are probably a few mistacks.

Let me know if you guys like it and if i should continue it. Pictures and a Cover will be added when I learn how to add them.

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