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There's some mature content in this chapter!


Complicated was an understatement. 

"You think?" Holly covered her face with her hands, bowing over the table. "I'm sorry, guys, I didn't think it would come to this. It's just...I don't think I can do it. Not after..."  She bowed her head, the memory of Vail's lip's on her throat too fresh. 

"Hey, listen," Sam knelt down next to her, and placed his hand over hers. Holly opened her mouth a bit, taken a little aback. "You don't have to do this. We can try it with Dean, first."

She looked at Sam, and saw the concern in his eyes. She knew what she had to do, and it sent little coil tightening in her stomach.

"He can try," she said. "But I'm set against it. Besides...I would have to go with him. I have a solution where we won't have to leave the apartment."

Oh Goddess, I'm out of my mind.

Dean closed the book, his jawline hardening. "What are you suggesting?"

Holly swallowed hard, and glanced at Sam, who was hovering at her eye level. A few agonizingly slow seconds passed. 

Recognition sparked in Sam's green eyes. "Me?" he exclaimed, getting up and backing against the wall, holding a hand to his chest. "Holly, I..."

"Sam, I wouldn't be suggesting it if I didn't feel that it's our only choice," Holly said, holding her head in her hands again. Her heart was pounding fast. She hated to admit it, but she would almost rather face the bloodthirsty vampire again rather than think about losing her virginity to a Hunter she had only known for a few days.

She heard Dean's voice from across the table. "She's right, Sam. She's not lying; this is the only way. She really doesn't like it." His voice held grudging disbelief. 

Holly lifted her head, grabbing tufts of her hair. The jealous green monster was roiling in her stomach again, mixing with the butterflies. When she looked up, she caught Dean's gaze. 

And she wondered if the monster was hers, or his. 

Trying to forget the memory of their kiss, Holly turned to Sam, Sam who stood across from her, a look of disbelief on his face. She knew, in her heart, he would do it. If not to save his brother from this bond, then because he wanted to. Deep down, Holly felt it. And she knew Dean felt it, too. 

"I mean, what's a bit of sex, right?" she laughed nervously. "I mean, it beats dying, which was my other option." She shrugged, looking at Dean. "So I guess you're going to have to excuse us for a second."

She searched his stony face for something, anything, some glimmer of emotion. 

Dean held up his hands, standing back from the table. "Well, this is pretty much the weirdest situation I have ever found myself in on a Hunt, and that's saying a lot, but please," he grinned at her. "Enjoy yourselves."

The wall was up again. Something had changed in his eyes.

She smiled grimly at him, and turned to Sam. He scratched the back of his head. "I, uh... I guess we should..."

"I'm going to go shower," she said, standing up, taking in his dirty, bloody state. "And you probably should, too." She tried to keep her voice lighthearted, friendly. But on the inside her emotions were raging. She didn't want to look at Dean, who had planted himself on the couch, flipping through his phone. She couldn't look at him. 

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