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A half hour later, they were still stuck.

Papers were scattered around the table, glowing dimly in the afternoon light that was filtering in through Holly's shades. Dean was on the phone with Bobby again, and she figured he was trying to distract himself.

Meanwhile, she was going through options with Sam, and they were arguing hotly.

"Just let me walk out into the open!" she snarled at him, slamming a fist on the table. 

Sam shook his head. "We need a solid plan first!" 

Dean poked his head out of her bedroom and gave her a dirty look, covering the mouthpiece with his palm. "Shut up, you guys, will ya?"

"Go away," Holly said, shaking her head at him. A soft breeze tickled her cheeks. Her mind was fraying at the edges, and her powers kept slipping out of her grasp. She couldn't even look Dean in the eye. 

Dean disappeared, giving the finger to her and Sam both. 


Sam motioned with his hands, his eyes gleaming at Holly. "Look, Holly, we can't just let you be easy bait." 

"You said yourself; he likes to drug people and sneak them away in the night." Holly held out her bruised arm. "So how else are we going to get his attention?"

"I said he especially likes to hunt virgins, drug them, and capture them in the night, yeah," Sam said, frowning at her. Holly stared at him.

"Uh, yeah..."

Heat crept up her neck again, and she played with the newspaper clippings on the table. Across the kitchen, a glass threatened to tip off of the counter. Sam eyed it nervously.

"Look," she lowered her voice. "Please don't tell Dean; it will just give him more reason to laugh at me. Yup, I'm a witch, I'm the daughter of his past prey, and I'm a virgin," she hissed under her breath. "So, just...let's not talk about it. Obviously I'm some kind of delicious snack to him." 

"Yeah," Sam blinked, "you are. He's not going to stop, either, which means you can't just throw yourself into public where he could hurt other people. I'm trying to reason with you here, Holly. I'm not about to let you or other innocent people die."

Holly raised her eyes to meet his. "Oh, good, I'm glad you care whether or not I live." Her tone was unnecessarily salty; she didn't mean to snap, but the events of the day were getting to her. 

"Of course I do. Dean does as well. You're still human, Holly, and you're being a witch doesn't change that. We've just have had...awful experiences with witches."

She placed her head on one of her hands. "That's pretty obvious. The thing is, I'm not even in connection with my ancestors, really. My parents, they wanted me to have a normal life. And look how that turned out; my parents dead, and me being hunted by a crazy psycho vampire. You know, I had doubts that vampires even existed around here until a couple of days ago."

"And a couple of days ago, Dean never thought he would end up waking up with your blood on his lips and his heart still beating. Holly, we owe you a lot, and we're going to help you stop this thing, but we're not going to let you risk your life."

Holly smiled grimly. "I'm going to risk everything to stop this thing, you know that."

Dean walked back into the room. The wobbly glass suddenly set itself back in position. 

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