Chapter 2

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Harry had called out a few of the most experienced vets they had at the castle who managed to get Ares well enough to make it back to the castle. But whilst Harry was tending to him, I was thinking about what I had seen back in the woods, and it troubled me to know that we still weren't as protected as we had thought we were.

I sat on the floor of the old library, looking through the old records that were kept there since the instigation of the vampire's kingdom. I had read about the civil collapse that had happened thousands of years ago, but then how the king and queen had been killed. The only reason that that monarchy had come back at all was by Harry and the other boys being elected into power by the people. That's why they hadn't been overthrown again, and why everyone seemed to love them so much.

However, in the back of one of the oldest, most broken book on the shelves, they mentioned a group of anarchists that still seemed to exist, who lived in seclusion whilst waiting for the right time to abolish the monarchy once again. They had a firm belief that being ruled over by a select group of people showed weakness, and that anyone who accepted being under the control of a king or queen was corrupted by the impure ways of the sovereignty. It also said they had influence over the Dark Angels and therefore their magic, but fortunately we had wiped them off of the face of the earth a while ago.

That could of been who I saw in the woods, but I thought it unlikely that such an old cause could still be active, especially during such a time of power and influence of Harry and the other nobility. I stood up and closed the book, putting it back on the shelves and scanning for another volume.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and in walked Harry with a wide smile on his face.

"Ares is ok." He grinned, but his face fell once he saw the serious look I had, "What's the matter?"

"Just what I saw in the woods, I'm not sure if it's something worth worrying about." I sighed, leaning against his shoulder as he hugged me into his side.

He sighed quietly, resting his chin on my head, before kissing my temple and sitting down in the circle of books I had formed on the floor. He looked over the books I had left open as I continued looking around the shelves.

"What were you doing looking up the Fraternitatem?" Harry asked seriously, making me turn around quickly to see him scanning over the old book I had read previously


"You mentioned you saw someone in the woods," He said, standing up again with the book in hand, flicking over the pages, "Is this who you thought you saw?"

"I'm not sure." I said quietly, "I was just looking..."

"You should never, ever associate yourself with them." He warned threateningly, his eyes glowing a brighter, more luminescent red with every word he spoke as he threw the book back behind the shelves violently, "They're dangerous, vile and cruel." 

"I'm sorry." I spoke weakly, cowering away from him as he came towards me.

"Now come out of here." He said, now more quietly as his eyes turned a more soft green again, a smile once again returning to his face.

I dropped my gaze to the floor, following after him obediently as I always had. He called servants in to clean up the books after us, who I sent an apologetic look towards as they rushed in, fearful of disobeying their king.

Before we had gotten very far, Niall had called Harry away from me, claiming that he needed to talk to him in private, so I just went back to our bedroom so I could mull things over for a while, without having to worry about upsetting Harry.

I was greeted by a dog bounding up to me when I opened the bedroom door, but thankfully I was strong enough to not be knocked over by the force. However, instead of greeting him as I normally did, I just walked past him, which he whined at sadly.

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