1 || Starting Again, In Karasuno

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You are walking to Karasuno with your cousin, Tanaka. It's been 2 weeks since school started, but it's just your first day since you still had to fix your stuff on your apartment and get used to the surroundings.

You were nervous since you're not really used to this place, and how people lives here. You lived in Tokyo, but your parents transferred you to Miyagi Prefecture for you to focus on mental healing and for you to stop your Modelling career.

"Are you nervous y/n-chan? I'm sure they'd like you since you came from Tokyo! I'm sorry I couldn't be with you, we're not on the same year." Tanaka told you, sipping on his drink.

"Just a little, I think people are just the same. The views here are refreshing, I think I'll get used to this sooner." You say, inhaling the fresh air that you don't have in Tokyo.

"How are your parents?" Your cousin asked.

"Still in America, I don't think they'll come visit me soon." You say plainly. You were already used to it.

"Oh you're in Class 3 right? I know someone from my club who I think is on the same class!" He says excitedly, thinking that person could help you.

"Really?!" Your face lit up too, but it was gone when you saw your cousin's expression became disappointed.

"What's the matter?" You asked, confused.

"Don't mind what I said... He's not so friendly..." Tanaka explained and you both stopped infront of your school. It doesn't look like your school in Tokyo, but this looks peaceful and chill.

This is like starting my life all over again. Okay Karasuno, here I go.

"Oi Ryu!!!" A short guy called from behind, well you were the same height as him tho.

"Oh, Noya!!!" Your cousin waved and gave the guy a high five. You were just smiling, unsure of what to do. They started chitchatting when you figured you should head to your class already.

"Ryu, I'll get going now. I'll just look for my classroom alone." You say, then smiled at the short guy.

"Oh who's that? why doesn't she call you senpai and she calls you Ryu?? IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND?? WHAT ABOUT KIYOKO??" Your cousin gave him a slap on the back of his head.

"BOKE! She's my cousin from Tokyo. She's new around and it's her first day today and you're already scaring her." Your cousin shouts. You never knew your cousin has a friend who is as loud as him.

"I'm y/n l/n, I'm a first year. Nice to meet you." You bowed to him while introducing yourself shyly. Why Am I Shy? I'm not like this! I used to be meeting alot of people I don't know!

"Oh, I'm Yu Nishinoya! Nice to Meet you!" He says bowing.

"Oi y/n, let's go to your class now." Tanaka walked as you followed behind with Nishinoya asking you a lot of questions.


Tanaka stopped infront of a door and peeked inside then looked at you again.

"Ok this is your class, We'll go now." Tanaka then gave you a thumbs up.

"Aw! I'm still chitchatting with l/n-san!" Nishinoya whined.

"Oi Noya! I swear if you're interested in her I'll knock you out! not my cousin!! You can chat with each other some other time!" Tanaka pulled away a sad Nishinoya waving goodbye to you. You just smiled and waved back.

You took a deep breath and entered the room. Everyone looked at you in confusion.

"Are you the new student?" A girl with black hair asked.

"You're supposed to sit there." The girl beside her pointed to the chair by the window, next to a blue eyed guy.

"Thanks." You say and headed towards the seat, you can feel them staring at you except for your seatmate, and the girls were observing you head to toe. What the hell?

They were staring at your bag and your phone case. Is this too trendy? Am I too Tokyo-style girl? I don't understand anything at all someone pls help me.

"Oi, why are your stuff like that?" The black haired girl approached you and pointed at your bag.

"She's trying to stand out." The girl beside her insulted you.

"I don't understand you, leave me alone." You say, Ignoring them. You didn't want this, this feeling changed your brave and confident self way back in Tokyo.

"Oi picking on the new girl doesn't make you cool. tch." Your blue-eyed seatmate spoke up.

"Whatever." The two girls left and went to their seat. Yet, the blonde one was still eyeing you.

"Thank you, I' m y/n l/n." You say bowing to him.

"I know, I heard your loud cousin outside, we're clubmates, I'm Tobio Kageyama." He said plainly. Why does he look so serious?

"I guess he's really loud..."You were cut off when everyone stood up.

"Okay class, we have the new student today, please come infront and introduce yourself." It was your teacher.

"I'm y/n l/n, Nice to meet you all." Was all you said and bowed. You could see the mean girl look at you in shock. Does she know me?

"Tell us more."

"I just transferred around this area, I was originally from Tokyo. I hope to get a long with all of you." You said and bowed again. You became quite conscious of your actions and your relationship with other people ever since what happened to you.

You could see them shocked to hear you were from Tokyo. There were some asking why did you come to Miyagi.

The reason why... is not really nice.

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