4 || Walking Home with Him

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You went back to the gym after freaking out a couple of minutes after realizing what just happened. What were you thinking y/n?! You scolded yourself.

"Oh l/n-san!! What took you so long? Help me with my homework now please!!" Hinata said waving his notebook in the air.

"l/n, are you sick?" Sugawara asked you which made the others look at you to observe you.

"What?" You asked, confused.

"Your face is really red, l/n." Nishinoya said, approaching you. You felt his hands on your forehead which made you flinch. You noticed how close he was to you, which made you redder.

"Oi Nishinoya!!! I SAID NOT MY COUSIN!!!" Tanaka yelled as he ran and tackled Nishinoya.

"Ryu, it's okay. Noya-san was just checking if I was sick." You say, calming him down.

Meanwhile, everyone was watching the whole scene. Sugawara looked like a disappointed mom, Daichi had a dark aura around him as he tries to stop Tanaka from shouting to Nishinoya, and everyone else just facepalming.

"Does l/n and Nishinoya have something? but Tanaka-san is stopping them?" Yamaguchi asks Tsukishima.

"I don't -" Tsukishima was cut off when Kageyama butted in their conversation.

"They're not dating." Kageyama managed to say that with a straight face.

"Seems like the selfish king likes l/n?? is he jealous?" Tsukishima teased Kageyama.

"Nishinoya-san, Are you okay? Ryu!! Don't exaggerate things!" You say as you helped Nishinoya stand up from the floor.

"If you and Noya eventually end up with each other you need to treat all of us yakiniku!" Tanaka said.


"Sorry, Is everyone here? I have an announcement." Takeda-sensei was there, looking gloomy.


After they explained that they have a camp in Tokyo and the problem with Kageyama, Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka's grades, you had an idea.

"Hinata!" You call to him as he was talking with Kageyama. You saw Kageyama looking at you while you were approaching but you tried your best to avoid looking back at him.

"I'll help you with studying." You say to Hinata and his eyes sparkled.

"Is this true?! Thank you so much l/n! you're the best!" Hinata said and hugged you, which made you shocked.

"Oi Hinata boke! you shouldn't hug a girl just like that!" Kageyama said pulling Hinata off of you and slapping the back of his head.

"You're just jealous that l/n's going to help me study!" Hinata yelled at Kageyama.

"I'm not-" You cut Kageyama by tapping his shoulder.

"I can help you too." You say and smiled. Omygod don't blush don't blush don't blush...

"Oh, thanks. I'll treat you pork buns on the way home." Kageyama faced you literally ignoring Hinata still talking a lot in his side.

Is he saying, he'll walk me home? No. Don't assume. Maybe he'll just buy you pork buns then leave you. WHY AM I EVEN THINKING OF THIS?!?

"l/n?" Kageyama called you. You realized you were just staring at him for a while. You blushed and turned your back.

"I-I'll go fix my stuff then let's g-go grab some pork b-buns." You say walking away.


"Thank you Kageyama." You say and took a bite.

"Is your house nearby?" He asked.

"Long walk." You reply.

"I'm not letting you walk alone. It's dark already." He said as you and him walked side by side.

You were really blushing, but luckily it was dark so Kageyama won't see.



The walk was quiet since Kageyama wasn't really the talkative type and it was awkward for the both of you. You soon arrived to the last turn for you to get to your house and stopped.

"Thank you again, Kageyama." You say and waved.

"Where's your house?" He asked.

"I'm okay here already, my house is this way." You say and continued walking.

"Who knows there might be some odd man there, I'll follow." Kageyama said catching up to you.

"See I told you it's just here." You say and stopped infront of a building. Kageyama was shocked to see a two story house.

"I live alone here that's why it's just an apartment, if you were wondering." You explained.

"Which door is yours?" He asked.

"Here." You say as you approached the rightmost door.

"This is an apartment?!" Kageyama was shocked.

"Well yea kinda. It's a house but you rent it." You say as you opened the door of your house.

"Oh, We don't have practice tomorrow. Can me and Hinata come over?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course! I was going to actually ask when are you guys free to invite you here for study. Well I guess you said it first." You smiled at him.

"Eat a proper meal even if I bought you a pork bun. I'll go now." Kageyama said as he turned around.

"Thank you for walking me home. Goodnight!" You say watching him walk away.

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