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the smell of rain lingers in the air

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the smell of rain lingers in the air. it's clean and crisp like cold mountain air but not strong, not fragrant like vanilla, nor any other spice. it's much less subtle as if the dampness of the earth seeped into the air mixing all together. the rain falls as it glistens like an angel's tears, hitting the ground harshly creating a small rhythmic hum. his deep brown eyes, which were as rich as the earth's dirt, sparkled as he watched the rain outside. his honey skinned hand was curled around a cold beer bottle, gripping the bottle as if it would disappear from his touch. 

he was alone this night, the only source of light being the yellow light from the lamp near the dark brown leather couch he was sitting on. his body lazily resting against the cushion, as he kicks up his black jean covered legs onto the table in front of him, knocking over a couple of empty bottles that crash on to the white title covered floor. his eyes never leaving the rain that he sees out the window, as his phone vibrates aggressively next to him. flashing on as a series of messages pop up. sighing in annoyance, he brings the bottle up to his lips and chugs down the rest of the beer. the cold drink sliding down his throat as if it was water, the bitterness taking no toll on him. 

he picks up his phone with his free hand, sliding it open, as it opens up the messages. the white light glaring onto his face, as his eyes reflect the phone. his eyebrows furrow in anger as his eyes wander through the messages while he scrolls. his hand gripped the bottle tighter, turning his knuckles white, as his veins proded at the skin as if they were trying to escape. his phone vibrated in his hand again, causing him to suck in a breath, as his thumb scrolled down to see the new message. 

he squeezed his eyes shut as he suddenly throws the bottle in his hand to the wall in front of him. the glass instantly shattering upon impact, as falls to the ground below, the drops of beer that were left, staining the white wall into hues of yellow and brown. the sounds of his harsh breathing mixing in with the hum of the rain that hit the window. he squeezed the phone tighter, turning it off in the process, as his feet kicked the table, causing it to flip over on its side. the rest of the bottles falling off, hitting the tiled ground with clacks.  

he runs his hand through his rich black hair, gripping the strands, tugging at them till his scalp stung. with a huff he got up, swaying slightly, blinking his rapidly as his vision blurred. he walked past the bottles on the floor and the shattered glass, heading toward the door. he quietly slipped on his black shoes, not bothering to grab an umbrella as he put his hood up to cover his head and walked out the door. 

he keeps his head down as he feels the water hit his covered head, the aggressive rain now, falling softly in pitter-patter sounds. he watches as his shoes step in the numerous amounts of puddles, not caring that the water is seeping through. both his hands in his hoodie pocket, as they hold onto the phone, fidgeting with it. he breathes out softly, creating a small puff of air, due to the cold weather. 

he focused on the sound of the rain mixing in with the small chatter heard among the roadside that was filled with shops and cafes. he continues his walk with his head down, kicking the pebbles that cross his path. the rain continues to fall and he intakes the dew smell, there was something about the rain that had him mesmerized. 

"that man must be crazy." his head instantly lifts up, as he looks around him thinking that some stranger said it about him. instead, he finds people standing under a cafe cover looking toward the park on the opposite side of the road. stopping in place, he looks at the people focusing on what they're saying.

"why does he do that?" one lady muttered, as the man next to her shrugged before pulling her closer to him. "hey what are you looking at?" the man says to him startling him, making him shake his head. water droplets fall off his hood, as he starts walking again not wanting to cause a problem. however, the lady's comment stays echoing in his head. 

turning his head toward the park, he looks around. his eyes gazing over everyone that passes by, not finding anything peculiarly weird or strange. just as he starts to look back down and continue to walk, a boy on the other side of the road catches his attention.

he was wearing a bright black and yellow striped shirt along with some overalls, skipping down the road, before he suddenly laid down on the grass. something about the boy made him smile softly, noticing this, he quickly muttered inaudibly, telling himself to focus, and looked back down. not being able to help himself, he lifted his head slightly and looked back toward the boy on the other side of the road, to see that he was still on the ground, moving his feet side to side. 

his phone vibrated aggressively in his hands, making him flinch. he takes his phone out of his pocket, reading the message as water drops slightly onto the phone making the screen blurry. he grips the phone in his hand, and quickly puts it back into his pocket, deciding not to reply. with the message filling his mind, he continues to walk in the rain to his destination, forgetting about the boy that just caught his eye. 

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