Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Deliah went to her mother's store that afternoon to look around. When she got to the door she looked up at the old store sign that read : Stay A Spell. She smiled at the name. She had helped her mother pick it out when she was six or seven. She opened up the door and walked in. The scents of lavender, vanilla, and leather assaulted her nose. She drew in a great breath and took in the whole store.

First, she walked over to the shelves that held the old spell books and journals. She walked along the shelf with her hands dragging across the books, picking up dust along the way. When she came to the end of the row, she bent over and breathed in the scents of old leather and magic. She smiled as she remembered all the spells her mother had taught her. She remembered the glow of the white candles during the cleansing spells; the wind whipping her hair about, the heat of the flames, and the scent of damp earth. Deliah then walked over to the counter, where her mother kept some of her more valuable amulets and jewelry locked behind glass. She saw some of the pieces she has helped her mother prepare years before.

Deliah heard the sound of the door chime jingling. Why would anyone be coming into the store? It's been closed for days and I know the 'Closed' sign is up in the window. She turned around and found herself completely baffled by who was standing there. The last person she expected to step through that door was her old boyfriend.

“James? What are you doing here? Can't you see we're closed?” Deliah said pointing to the sign in the window.

“I heard about your mom. 'm real sorry Lia,” he slurred, “Jus' thought I'd stop by an' see if you needed a shoulder t' cry on.” He patted his shoulder as he stumbled toward Deliah.

“James, are you drunk?” she asked him. She stepped back as he knocked over a display of candles and wooden figurines.

“No babe, I'm not drunk,” James protested, “Do you need my shoulder, Lia?”

Deliah tried to step back more, but James caught her arm in his strong grip. He leaned close to her and she could smell the alcohol on his breath, his clothes, and his hair. It was as if he had bathed fully clothed in a bathtub full of vodka and drowned in it.

“No, James, I do not need to cry on your shoulder. I am perfectly fine,” she told him, “But thank you for your concern, it is a nice gesture.” She tried to pry her wrist from his hand, but he squeezed it tighter. “Please let go, you're hurting me.” She kept trying to pull away, but he pulled her to his chest with both arms.

“Please come back to me, Lia. I miss you,” James states simply.

So that's what this is all about. That chick he cheated on me with finally dumped his lazy ass and he decides he wants me back. Sorry James, that's not how it works.

“No James, not this time. You should not have hurt me like that. I just don't have any feelings for you.” Deliah finally managed to push away from his chest. She slowly backed against the cabinets, feeling for anything she might be able to defend herself with.

Deliah felt the razor sharp blade of the athame pierce the flesh of her palm. It stung, but she tried to keep the pain from her face. She carefully felt for the hilt and took it firmly in her grasp. She held it behind her back and hoped she will not have to use it.

“If I can't have you back, then no one can have you at all,” he growled angrily. He made for her again raising his fist. She pulled the ceremonial dagger from behind her back and raised in in front of her in defense. With her free hand she felt for the panic button on the side of the counter. She found it and pushed it signaling the police that something was wrong. Deliah saw a flash of a fist and brings the blade up hoping it would work in her defense. She felt James' fist collide with her head and pain blossomed red in her vision. She cried out in pain and fell back against a shelf. Candles assaulted her head and the last thing she is aware of before she blacks out is the blood pouring down James' face.

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