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These are commands that aren't in all command games. Might bother putting the normal ones eventually.

/look for pet... (Specklesong) this let's you look for a pet. I will only let you if you can't use the energy for something better. 2 energy

/visit ancestors (Specklesong) let's you go see your ancestors. Medicine cats must do this every 5 moons. 1-all energy depending on what you do.

/force cat to visit ancestors (Specklesong) used as a punishment or when a medicine cat doesn't see their ancestors in 5 moons.

/protect (Specklesong) used when a medicine cat doesn't visit there ancestors cats have to protect camp and themselves.

/create event.... Do in pm. Use it to make a new event for the clan. You must be detailed with this.

That's all of them right now. Tell me any more that you think I should add if any.

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