chapter 4 - Muse

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Things like me.

My first sleep on the train is plagued by strange dreams.

The colours are so vivid , and i'm utterly convinced they're real , aside from the slight haze on the sides of every image that plays behind my eyelids.

I'm sitting in a meadow , the smell of salt in the air an indication i'm not far from the sea. The grass beneath me is soft , luscious green spreading out for miles , until I can't see where the gleam of the sun on the ground ends and the sky begins. It's utterly peaceful

The sound of approaching feet sways me from my focus , my hands laying down the daisy chain I had begun to weave from the small flowers that surround me. A faceless man sits beside me on the grass , and begins to make his own chain of flowers

The bright afternoon sun conceals his features, casting a bright halo around his head that compliments the white cotton outfit he wears , that seems to match the dress I'm wearing.

The two of us sit in silence for a while , enjoying each other's presence , gently making chains of daisies that pool down to our feet, and birds sing sweet melodies around us. The faceless man sucks in a breath , holds it for a moment , before saying,

"I wish I could stay here forever, in this moment. Never go back." He puts down his chain of flowers.

His voice is familiar, and it brings me comfort.

"Then don't. Run away." I gently pull the chain around my neck.

"I couldn't, he'd find me some how. Cut out my tongue, make me an Avox. Trust me , if I could run away , I would have."

I feel sorry for the faceless man , how he feels trapped and unable to leave. I reach for his hand , and hold it tightly , comforting him to the best of my ability.

"Well , you're here now, and we have a lot of time." I squeeze his hand reassuringly.

He laughs breathlessly, and shakes his head , holding my hand tightly.

"No, you're waking up. Look." He points to the grass, which has begun to disintegrate.

I reach for the man again , only to find it is just me in the meadow , as if he were never there.


Ivara is banging on the door of my room , inviting me to breakfast, saying something about a "Big , big day!" I slip my emerald shoes back on and straighten my dress , which I find I have slept in. Is it worth trying to make sense of all the buttons in the shower and be late to breakfast? I'm about to decide against it when I see the state of my hair , still braided up into a fishtail crown. A shower first, then.

After a jet has dried me in less than ten seconds, my hair now falling in silky sheets down past my collarbones, I slip my green dress on again , and head down to the dining car.

I see through the small window in the dining car door that I'm the last to arrive, Tiernan, Ivara and Finnick are all already sitting down with small steaming mugs in front of them. The door slides open, and small welcoming smiles greet me as I sit down beside my male counterpart.

"Great , now that you're both here, we have to discuss a few things with you two." Ivara says , placing a large binder onto the table with a loud clunk.

"What kinds of things?" Tiernan asks innocently

I can't help the blood that rises to my cheeks , the thought of my conversation last night with Finnick, and the implication of his words. It seems Finnick is thinking of the same conversation I am , because when I look at him , he's smirking at me.

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