Prologue: The Invitation

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Word Count: 726

Voices. An endless cacophony of whispering vibrating through his head. The swelling of airy sounds, often playing in canon, disconnected, becoming gibberish. Yet, it intrigued him, listening for the melody in the whispers. Deciphering their message and keeping it in the crevices of his mind. Yet, at first, he must admit that he was afraid of his gift... if he was generous enough to call it a gift. After all, hearing and seeing things normally makes someone think you are a schizophrenic, insane. Not to be trusted. Yet, his visions, this gift...what he saw eventually became reality. A sixth sense if you would call it. Yet, they disappeared one day, vanishing into the wind, well that was Eli Clark's own fault. The promises he made were not meant to be broken, yet love makes you do crazy things, right?

He gulped, staring at the large manor, the place he was forced to go. Next time he broke a promise? He'd lose more than his sixth sense and be branded with arcane symbols. He didn't know what would happen, yet invoking his wrath? He shudders at that thought. The voices were fairly clear in their instructions, and they also made it fairly clear about what would happen. Well, for the most part. He knew about the sick game that was occurring in the manor's walls, yet the specific details? He only received the big picture, a vague, blurry photograph that he would only understand when the time arrived.

Suddenly, talons dug into his skin a little more, causing him to yelp in pain. He looked over on his right shoulder, his old friend giving him that perpetual stink eye. She hooted with anger, flapping her wings as if to say, "Hurry up!"

Eli brushed her feathers, sighing, "I know. I know. This isn't any easier, yet I suppose I don't have a choice." 

His owl cooed, brushing her wings against his face in a beckoning manner, as if to say " I understand, yet we have work to do."

Brooke Rose was one the most human animals you would ever meet, especially in her body language and her gaze. Eli had a connection with her for years now, meeting her even before his fiancee, Gertrude. Ever since saving her from an impending doom of the cold of winter, mending her wings and nursing her back to full health, they have been inseparable, a part of her soul merged with his, and he understood her more than he did most humans. She after all was incredibly intelligent and held some ancient power deep within her, a nice compliment to his own strange, unexplained powers. He was proud to call her his trusty companion, --a wing man if you would--, yet she also was a bridge, a way to monitor him. Eli trusted her, yet he knew when she wasn't giving him her famous stink eye. When that look on her face was full of rage like an executioner about to dish out punishment. That's what hurt him the most, his own companion looking at him as though he was the animal. Again, he felt more pain rush through his shoulder. Brooke glared at him.

He smiled a little, patting her head, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's... about time we get this over with, right?" The great horned owl nodded as Eli turned towards the huge wooden oak doors, clutching an invitation in his right hand, and after a moment's hesitation, thinking I really am insane, after loudly knocking on the door with his gloved left hand. He held his breath as he waited for the door to open. No response?

Brooke shifted nervously on his shoulder as a bit of sweat passed down from his hairline, through his dark blue blindfold and down his cheek. Eli put his hand at the door again, knocking again, his confidence waning. No response. He took a step away from the door, "Are we... at the wrong address or something?"

Brooke looked around, her neck turning and scanning her surroundings. Eli knocked once more, why... why isn't anyone answerin-. SMACK! Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted on the left side of his head as his world faded to black. He could hear Brooke screeching as he fell onto the pavement at the doorsteps of the manor. 

The game was about to begin. 


Why hello there! The next chapters will surely be longer, this is just a warm-up! I hope that you like this so far, as I will be posting more once I write it up! Thank you so much for reading!


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