Chapter 2: The Participants

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Word Count: 2.7k

Eli wasn't sure what he was expecting when he first heard manor. He thought that it would resemble at least something luxurious and comfy, perhaps a distraction from the hell that the participants were trapped in. Well, for the most part he could say that the manor looked alright, definitely not a Queen's palace, yet it looked better than an average house.

Stepping out of the infirmary, Eli could see a red carpet sprawled out on the floor, the carpet was imbued with checkerboard and plaid designs. The walls were white, often interrupted by wooden patterns with elegant designs. He glanced at a grandfather clock, hoping to see what time it was. He wondered how long he laid unconscious. Instead, he only received a single time: 5:18. What was the significance of that time? Well, no point in dwelling in that. He began to walk slowly down the hallway, every step he took echoed through the hall with a satisfying click.

As he continued to walk down the hallway, his thoughts went back to Emily and Naib. Two participants, completely different personalities. How would this game change him specifically? He hoped that maybe he'd be braver, less afraid of saying the wrong thing and digging himself deeper into a hole. Yet at the same time, he had promises he needed to keep, no matter what. He failed once and now this was his rather shitty redemption. Why was he subjected to this game? The only thing he did wrong wa-.

Brooke nudged her beak into Eli's neck, not enough to break skin, but enough for him to yelp in pain. She then ruffled her feathers as if to say "Focus on the task at hand."

She probably knew about his doubts. He wasn't sure if Brooke was telepathic and could read his thoughts, but she knew his emotions. Eli couldn't hide anything from her, even if he tried his hardest. Her soul was wedged into his, nothing could separate their bond, not anymore at least. Without her, what would he do? Petting her head, he sighed, "I understand. I'm just nervous, is all, yet I suppose I don't have to tell you how I'm feeling."

She cooed, flapping her wings once before launching off as if to say Dining Hall's this way! Eli smiled, following her through the manor.

During his stroll, he began to note things about the manor. The entire second floor seemed to have more public rooms, such as a Lounge and the Infirmary, even a Laundry Room that Eli doubted they ever really used. The hallway that was the second floor branched off into the main entrance hall, which was a spectacular lobby with wooden rails and the same carpet and interior design. Brushing his palm against the oak railing, he took in his surroundings. Oh, how it would feel to live in this moment forever.

Yet, his faithful friend would not delay. Brooke continued to squawk, making her owner relentlessly follow her whims. He finally got down the steps, Brooke landing on his shoulder. He involuntarily winced as she sunk her talons into his right shoulder in order to get a better grip so she wouldn't fall. Although being used to this process, and despite Brooke's talons not hurting as much, his human reaction to the pain would seep back in. Brooke then gave him a stink eye, glaring at him then the door. With a sigh, he pushed it open, revealing a large group, all sitting down and getting ready to have dinner.

Numerous chairs seemed to be pulled from various areas of the manor and the two tables, which although they were roughly the same length as each other, one was shorter than the other, making Eli assume that perhaps the manor used to have less guests. The table had barely any food on it. It seemed like maybe they were served soup and bread? That's it? Well then, Naib did seem like a sarcastic human being, so everything he said had to be in jest.

Speaking of his new "friend", Subedar was sitting near the right head of the table, talking to a man dressed in gray who was clutching what seemed to be a make-up case and a muscular man with darker skin, clearly built for what seemed to be rugby.

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