scene 2: now what?

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As the un gets more information about the aliens from the us they begin to get a clearer picture of whats out there. the less panicked they become but they also become more worried.

They. after all. they just learned about a massive galaxy sprawling republic who could easily take earth for themselves. 

Initially talks went nowhere as of few countries could agree on what to do about this. some wanted to fight against them first. taking the fight to them, which many thought stupid due to the fact that they couldn't even get to the republic.

Others wanted to enter diplomatic relations with the republic to benefit the nations of earth (and themselves)

others wanted to join the republic for protection but most are shot down quickly. the idea of joining the huge faction wasnt appealing to many of those who had the same idealogy as the republic. much less those who had different agendas.

There wasnt a clear idea as to what the nations would agree on. they still hadnt gotten a clear idea as to what the republic was like and what the republic would do with them.

Initially the jedi has said that the republic was peaceful and accepting. but most didnt beleive them because what faction would say that they wanted to attack someone. it would remove the element of surprise.

But once the us got out what the jedi did from the captives/prisoners. they were a lot less inclined to join the republic or enter diplomatic relations.

The idea of allowing a bunch of magic wielding superstitious people. who used infants to fill there ranks. to police earth while wielding laser swords and playing by there own rules was appaling to most of the nations. while also making them worry about what else the republic had that earth didnt.

Shielding, lasers that could effectively be used in combat, faster then light travel and other things earth could only dream of having this side of the millenia.

Even with whole facilities devoted to making new tech in the usa they still hadnt been able to replicate the tech. heck they couldnt even use much of what they had, the sheilding had been damaged in the fighting with the chiss to the point that nothing was fixing it, all of the jedi lightsabers had been lost or the crystals damaged so that they would have to be mended by tech the nations of earth didnt have. making testing of the tech impossible and establishing a air of failure

At the moment the only thing they could hope to do was advance quick enough that they could at least not get completely defeated. no other option was completely acceptable to the nations. giving up wasnt a popular descision at all. and if this expidition into the unknown was any indication of the republics plans simply hoping that they continued to stay in the known galaxy possibly wouldnt go well. 

So earth had to prepare. even if it seemed like nothing was working.

Silently the us, russia, and other developed countries ramped up there previously ignored space programs. providing them with all of the salvagable engines they could give them and just told them to "advance" and then went back to politics and worrying.

Luckily with a good amount of funding the majority of the projects do okay. adapting the engines to new rockets. and conducting limited test. not wanting to waste the engines they had. as they could not replace the ones they had. even the ones they had were damaged and couldnt be used to there full extent.

At the moment none of the nations have made it public but a couple people are beggining to get suspicious. people had to be moved by the armies so that nobody got hurt by or found out about the ufo

Along with that many had seen the ship fall to earth and had heard nothing about it. even if it burned up in the atmosphere something would have been said about it. and the fact that a chunk of the medditeranian had been blockaded by officials made some people even more suspicious. and people began to theorize and a couple began to come together to think.

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