Scene 1: a whole new world

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no coronavirus so earth wont be beating itself with a stick.

no george Floyd so usa (whenever I say America I mean usa) isn't beating itself with a stick.

I'll have my own president just so I can not look like a idiot and say something our current president or a democratic president would do.

i will be taking the way the star wars characters speak (in english) semi literaly. with them being able to speak english but its a broken form of it. so communication is possible but not easy

and thats it)

The republic ship outbound flight is floating through space. its power was lost in its battle with Thrawn and the chiss ascendancy, and only the emergency room could sustain life, but it could only hold 20 thousand people. meaning the survivors had to abandon seven thousand people to die with there limited oxygen mask.

There was little hope for surviving. they only had food for another six days and there was no way they could get help.

Master sabayeth and his jedi would be trying to maintain the peace and keep everyone calm but to little success. very few believed that they could actually survive the mess that they had gotten themselves in.

Unbeknownst to them however. they were about to get the help they needed.

Astrologist and everyday stargazers had noticed a new object in the sky over the past eighteen hours that was moving at hundreds of miles a hour towards earth. and had already begun to track its trajectory to earth, and they had found out that it would land in western Europe in five hours. and were steadily getting more accurate to where exactly it would hit.

Already NATO was getting scientist and biologist and others who could assist in the investigation of the object, but not without precautions, the French had the Charles de gaulle (a actual french aircraft carrier) outfitted and prepared in case of a military threat and tens of thousands of troops were called up in nato to also be around for when the UFO would land.

But NATO wasn't the only one who had realized where the UFO would land. and countries with space programs from around the world were already trying to get there own scientist on the scene. countries such as the us didnt much like this idea but eventually folded after threats of embargo's from important countries to keeping the deniers active.

But during the debates, the UFO didn't stop. it kept on hurtling down to earth and astrologists estimated that it would land in the Mediterranean near mainland Spain.

Quickly troops and ships were sent towards the crash sites and the officials were being flown in from around the globe

two hours after the meetings finished the UFO crashed down ten miles from spains borders. with dozens of ships within a eight-mile radius.

Within minutes the ships that were designated to approach the UFO. who were also in the cheapest ships the countries who were in the area could procure.

The UFO was quickly sinking however, and two freighters had to be moved in as to keep it steady in the water, attaching dozens of hooks to the monstrosity.but even with two freighters the UFO was slowly sinking 

The scientist quickly got to work. collecting everything they could on the ship. while proffesional rescuers began to cut into the ship. both in case of survivors and to cut into the ship without causing to much damaged.

The scientist had already gathered that the ship had been damaged. it had burns and radioactive fallout all arround and chunks were falling off. in fact a large chunk had nearly hit cicily and was currently being investigated by italian and turkish forces along with a couple other small countries.

In the next two days technology and material would be taken from the ship and brought back to a emergency quarantine/research lab. where scientist from around the world where dismanteling, testing (both for how they worked and for alien bacteria. which they found plenty of and quickly sterilized. a long proccess) and recording there finds.

Within the next two weeks. the ship continued its slow submersion, but it wouldnt be abandoned. already scuba teams were picking at its underside.

The scientist found pieces of tech that was very much of interest to humanity, finding shielding technology, holocomms, and blaster packs and blasters. the most interesting of them all being the shields. which was quickly put underwraps to keep other goverments from finding out about it but the rest was put out publicly as it would be suspicious if they had found nothing.

The rescuers would eventually find the jedi and civilians. of course when would be unknown but lets say after two weeks. after the food had run out. meaning the people inside were starving and a couple civilians had resorted to cannibalizm after the jedi had used the force to keep themselves alive by putting them under a coma. with several of the jedi becoming targets.

The rescuers would of course be unnerved by the sight of scrawny humans with blood splattered shirts and faces along with several mostly eaten human and alien bodies.

they would bring in some special forces to recover the civilians, many of them having to be sedated to keep them from attacking there rescuer

Meanwhile at the UN building meetings were held every day over this discovery. mostly concerning the tech they had found. many of the nations who's scientist had taken the tech said that they should keep it. the nations that didnt get any and some of those who did said that they should split it among themselves or give it to the un organization to test.

Another concern was why the ship was here. was it a colonization fleet that failed? the failed vanguard of a invasion fleet. a escape ship?

A few nations blamed others. claiming they had sent out space missions. but they were soon shot down when it was confirmed that the aliens werent related to humans in the slightest.

But one thing that most of them agreed on was that the public couldnt know. if this got out before the nations knew what it was then mass panic could happen. they needed to know what it was before they announced it.

Eventually the nations would agree to give the tech to nations with advanced research and space programs since they had the best chance at figuring it  out

The us currently had them locked up in a hospital being tended to due to the severe amount of radiation they had absorbed and there lack of nutrition. but others wanted to have them or wanted the un to get them too. but the us wanted to keep them saying that transferring them anymore might get them killed. suggesting that they be kept in the hospital until they were ready to be moved. mostly so they could be the first to talk to the aliens.

Initially the talks go nowhere as the us could continue saying that the aliens needed to heal even as they began to pry information from those who they could communicate to. 

the us initially only got a little from the aliens. most being to shaken to say anything, others simply not  remembering a lot.

But once the jedi woke up from there comas the us got much more. finding out about the jedi. the republic and there mission to colonize the unknown region. confirming that they were a colonization fleet.

The us only fed a little of there information at a time to the un. wanting to know as much as possible so they could pick and choose what to tell the un. not wanting to give any of there  enemies information that could give them the upper hand. at least not until they had the same information.

so im going to end this scene here. the ship has crash landed. the un is freaking out overwhat to do. the us is taking information from the survivors. and the un is researching the tech from the outbound flight

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