⇢ prelude

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When Zachariah Kim comes into Alexandra Rivera's life, he is very much not hers to keep

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When Zachariah Kim comes into Alexandra Rivera's life, he is very much not hers to keep.

On the island of O'ahu, small talk is cheap and everyone knows everyone, whether you want them to or not. Maybe that's why Alex doesn't do relationships. She can barely take care of herself, let alone deal with the commitment and everything else that comes with them. Or maybe it's just her parents' failed marriage that makes her jaded.

The night of a graduation party, Alex meets Zach, her best friend Emmie's new boyfriend. She's skeptical, to say the least, but willing to give her friend the benefit of the doubt, even if she's known for being a serial dater and isn't quite over her last boyfriend. But Alex finds herself quickly getting along with him, so it's not a hard task to give her blessing. The difficulty lies when this new relationship steers into rocky waters, and Alex becomes stuck between two people she cares very much about. When it ends entirely, it becomes even tougher to balance these two relationships, especially when feelings begin to grow between her and Zach and she's unable to deny them any longer.

That's when everything explodes, splintering their friend group into a myriad of different places, while Alex is left to lick her wounds alone on that island.

Fast forward a year and a half and everyone is back.

Of course, they all collide once again; it's a small island after all. And of course, it's never that simple. As much as she wants to run away from the disaster that is their past, Emmie and Zach find a way to weave themselves back into Alex's life, and she can't help but let herself get swept up in their currents. Deep down, she's always known they hold the two halves of her broken heart, and walking away like they were nothing was never an option.

With everyone back in town, Alex is forced to reconcile what she wants out of life, who she wants to be, and whether she thinks she's deserving of any of it.

With everyone back in town, Alex is forced to reconcile what she wants out of life, who she wants to be, and whether she thinks she's deserving of any of it

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Hello! Welcome to my little corner of Wattpad, where the romance burns slowly on that tiny island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Here at Waves of Us, we dive into the waters of a life once lived and (hopefully) show just how much Hawai'i means to me.

This story is inspired by real-life events and the people that taught me how to love.

These characters are written as realistic & flawed individuals who show development and personal growth

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These characters are written as realistic & flawed individuals who show development and personal growth. While you may not like or agree with everything they do, I require all of my readers to treat them with respect. I do not tolerate rude, discriminatory, or misogynistic remarks made toward myself, my characters, or my story.


↳ strong language

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strong language

underage drinking

mild sexual content

© 2020-2023Stephanie Midorii, smidorii

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© 2020-2023
Stephanie Midorii, smidorii

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher

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tldr: plagiarism is shitty so don't do it!

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