03 | beer pong & tequila

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One thing was clear: Zachariah and I made kick-ass beer pong partners

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One thing was clear: Zachariah and I made kick-ass beer pong partners.

"I almost feel bad about beating them."

"No you don't," he laughed.

"I said almost."

Emmie and Zachariah embraced like long-lost lovers that hadn't seen each other in months. They were cute together. Even without physical gestures, she understood the message I telepathically tried to send because she smiled and snuggled closer into his chest.

After losing spectacularly, Jem stalked to our side of the table looking as angry and threatening as a newborn puppy wearing a Christmas sweater. I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's not enough to vomit on my shoes. You also have to rub salt in the wound by demolishing me in beer pong," Calum grumbled.

Zachariah shifted the two of them in our direction. "When did you vomit on his shoes?"

"In the Don Quijote parking lot last year." Calum turned to me with a look of determination. I couldn't completely fault him for that. It was the kind of pettiness I would resort to, and he deserved to lodge it at me after that accident.

"I thought we agreed to move on from this? We do not need to relive my humiliation."

"That was before you wrecked my shit in beer pong."

I flicked my hair over my shoulder. I might burn under any spotlight but I appreciated a flair for the dramatics. "You should've picked me as your partner. That's your loss."

Calum nearly had a conniption while he pointed accusingly at Zachariah. "I was going to but this douche snatched you up first."

He crossed his arms and planted his butt down against the table—an actual child.

Zachariah untangled himself from Emmie and pulled the two of them closer into the conversation. "It's not my fault you couldn't tell she was good at pong. It's always the least interested ones that kick ass."

"Yeah, whatever."

Jem finally spoke up and her voice came out soft as she stared down at her feet. "Sorry, Cal. I kind of sucked."

I quickly pulled her toward me and snuggled her into my chest. "No, you're an angel queen. I'm bestowing upon you the honor of beer pong MVP."

Calum rolled his eyes.

Emmie and Zachariah leaned in close to each other, whispering secrets back and forth. They'd endured a long enough time socializing with the rest of us when it was clear all they wanted was to be wrapped up in each other. It wasn't a surprise when they announced they were going to wander off alone, and the three of us bid them a temporary farewell.

Since our game had finished, another group hovered around the table and the three of us that remained took off so they could make use of it.

"How long have you two been friends?" I asked as we started toward the beach again, closer to the shoreline where it was quieter. Individual clusters of partygoers made their way around the beach, mimicking the stars twinkling above us.

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