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Hyunjin was walking around with Felix, he was currently listening to Felix introducing random people.

"...and over here is the chicks, be careful near them. Do not look at them when they are walking" He said as he pointed to the five girls that has a full makeup setup in their lockers. "Oh! There are also LGBTQ+ people here, they are nice but uhm. Weird?"

They went out to the field in the back of the school, there are many cheerleaders practicing for their fifth performance. On the public seats sat over eight guys and two girls sitting and babbling with each other.

"That, that group. That's my friends" Felix pointed to the gang while walking towards them. "Guys! Say hi to Hyunjin if you didn't see him yet!"

The group did what he said but lets Felix introduce them to Hyunjin. "This is Seungmin, he's a bitch but we'll get over him soon" The raven gave Felix a death stare. Then waved to Hyunjin. "And this is..."

After some minutes, it was the last person's turn. "This is Bangchan, but we call him Chan. He's the gayest of the group" Chan had a chance to flirt with him if he was the first person to talk to him. He winked with affection, letting Hyunjin know that he doesn't bite.

"Well hello" Huunjin said. Smiling.

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