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"Well.. I guess this is the end" Chan sat on the counter and placed his head onto the mirror. His back not touching the mirror. "No no, we could play 20 questions. I'm not surprised that I found you" Hyunjin suggested, smiling at the older. "Jesus, where's my money that you are supposed to give me hm? Aren't rich like you said?" Chan sarcastically uttered. The younger probably lied to him but it was only three months ago.

"You think I would give a secret stripper money just because they won't show me their face?" Hyunjin chuckled, "You're so annoying! Respect me, I'm older than you" Chan exclaimed angrily at the taller.

"Yeah yeah, just because you're older doesn't mean that I have to respect you. Chan" Hyunjin teased the blonde, watching him roll his eyes. "Don't be a dickhead and call me Hyung, I would slap you right in the face now. Pabo"

"Jeez, lets just play 20 questions.. you never answered mine when we were texting" The younger frowned. "You went through some personal things Hyunjin. Thats why I don't answer to it-" Chan got interrupted by him. "It wasn't personal!! The question is was 'Do you have any merch of Zoe Laverne' and you didn't answer" The raven bounced as he yelled at the older.

"BUT I DON'T LIKE ZOE LAVERNE, SHE'S LIKE A CRIMINAL" Chan yelled back, he absolutely hates
the chaos of both of them.

"I'm leaving" Chan slid off the counter and made his way to the door. "But we didn't play 20 questions" Hyunjin frowned again. "I'll give you money then"

"You won't fool me, Pabo"

"Awh. Sorry" Hyunjin frowned once again. Trying to get the older's attention, he paused for a second. "Nice ass" Hyunjin smirked.

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