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I changed from Jisung to Hyunjin bc it seems like HyunChan is more alive

"You guys seems nice" Hyunjin chuckled. Felix asked him if he could say who is with who, luckily Hyunjin said yes, which made Felix a bit more happier. "So we have Tzuyu and Sana.. they always stare at girls ass but like. They are dating which makes us disgusted since they always make out"

The girls looked like they were about to kill him but Felix was used to it ever since two years ago. "Uhm, uhm.." Felix started, he started introducing random couples around the group but it seems like Chan was the only one who is single and is a lonely shit. "So Chan over here is single, he's uhm. U g l y" Felix spelled it, "Bitch shut up, you look like my left toe" Chan exclaimed. His arms crossing on his chest.

"Aren't you the one who said that you would gladly give someone feetjob because your feet is hot?" By now Felix stared at Chan disgustedly.

"Sometimes I have to be kinky" Chan stated. "I'd suck any boys dick, it cant be smaller than 6 inches tho"

"Excuse me-" Felix looked at him offendedly. "Omg, I forgot that yours was 5 inches" Chan covered his mouth in a shocked expression, soon he grabbed his phone to text someone. "Uhm, anyways, chile!" Chan got up and left immediately.

Hyunjin's phone buzzed.


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