Part 13

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Imma be nice 🙄

Brooklyn Myers
West Palm Beach, Fl
Same day

"Brooklyn" I heard Dee call my name

"Brooklyn get up" He shook me lightly "You was crying in yo sleep, calm down" He said wiping my tears

"He's not dead" I asked sitting up

"No Qway's not dead he just got out surgery" he said sitting next to me

"Thank God it was just a dream" I said putting my face in my hands

"Can we see him" I said getting up

"Yeah let's go"

Following him we turned down a hall that had many rooms

Hospitals always creeped me out ever since my mom died


"What's wrong with mommy why is white stuff coming out her mouth" I asked my friend's mom while the nurses pushed my mom on a bed

"Your mommy is not ok right now, let's go sit down" She said picking me up

"Thirty-five year old male shot in the chest and arm " A nurse yelled to the other nurses while speeding to a room to get him in

"Oh my god why he is he bleeding so much. Is he dead" I asked her

"I dont know baby"she said pulling me into a hug rocking me back and forth

"I wanna go home I don-"

"Are Brooklyn Myers" A tall white lady asked me cutting me off

"Yes she is, is there a problem" Ms.Ree said

AN: Ms.Ree is the friend's mom

"Well I'm sorry but her mother did not make it, if she has any other family members down here they can sign papers to get custody of her and if not she will have to be brought orphanage home" The lady said

"What does she mean mommy did not make it" I said with tears now swelling up in my eyes "is my mommy dead" I asked Ms.Ree

She didn't answer me she just looked hurt

"Ms.Ree is she" I asked now crying hard

"Yes baby"

"Brooklyn do you know anybody's number" The lady asked

"Yes my grandmother's"

"Can you call her off my phone"

After dialing her number and her picking up on the third ring putting her on speaker

"Hello who is this" My grandmother said

"Grams it's me, they said mommy died can I stay with y- you" I said choking on my words

"Oh my god, baby are you ok" she said now crying on the line

"Yes I'm fine"

"Baby I dont have enough money to fly you here, I'm sorry" was all she said before the lady took the phone and started talking to her

"Aww baby, I wish I could help you" Ms.Ree said hugging me tight

"Ok, Brooklyn I need you to come with me" The lady said grabbing my arm

"NOO MS.REE HELP ME" I yelled trying to get out the lady's grip

"Ma'am she please stay with me until me and her grandmother work up the money for her to go" Ms.Ree said picking me up out her grip

"Ma'am our policy does not work like that now please give her back me" She said with her hands out

"PLEASE DON'T LET ME GO, PLEASEE" I yelled with tears flowing out my eyes heavily

"I'm so sorry baby" Was all Ms.Ree said before she kissed me on the head and gave me to the lady

Flashback Over:


alking into the room Qway was awake and everyone went and gave him hugs and stuff while I stayed at the door

"So you just gone stay there Brook" he said smiling

"I'm sorry" I said walking to him

"Why are you apologizing, you never did anything" he said grabbing my hand

"We gone let yall have yall moment" Laila said walking out with everyone following her out

"I want us back Brook and I know it's my fault but I can't do this thing without you, them two months showed me how much you changed my life, I honestly dont know why I was so dumb to do something like that and I'm sorry" He said looking me in my eyes

How the fuck this nigga fucked up and still sexy as hell


"Not da first name shawty" he said mugging me


"Not da nickname" he said smacking his teeth

"I'm not bout to call you bae ion care how hurt you is" I said rubbing my hand through his hair

"That's what you saying now" he said smirking

"Whatever, but like I was saying before I got rudely interrupted, I miss you too but if me and you gone be a thing you gotta get yo shit together" I said looking him in his eyes

"All I want is you"

"Prove it to me then" I said getting serious

"Come here" he patted a spot on the bed

I climbed in with him and we cuddled

"Can I get a kiss baby" He said puckering his lips

"Big ass baby" I said pecking his lips

"That lil ass kiss"

He brought my lips to his and kissed me passionately. I opened my month a little for him to have an entrance for his tongue and he slid his tongue in

We got interrupted by the knocking on the door

"Come in" Qway groaned

"Big mad ass" I chuckled

I really ain't know how to end thiss

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