Part 45

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*did not reread*

Brooklyn Myers

"Tell me your lying" I bounced my leg up and down trying to control my emotions

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"Tell me your lying" I bounced my leg up and down trying to control my emotions

"Im sorry Brooklyn, but I'm not lying. As your therapist i had to be the one to tell you" Tommy told me

I'm just finding out that kids has been taken away by CPS. I keep getting hit with shit left and right.

"Why" I said with my voice cracking

"The CPS company said they saw the files of you being in this mental hospital and your children's father being incarcerated. They took that to concern and brought them in" She told me

My heart shattered. Nobody told me Qway got locked up. Nobody called or came to tell me my kids are gone. Why does this keep happening to me

"How long have they been gone" I asked as tears rolled down my face

"About a week no-"

"A WEEK" I cut her off

"Brooklyn please calm down. Dont do this to you and the baby" Tommy tried to calm me

This time couldn't I felt me loose myself more and more. I wanted to go be with my babies and see them smile again. This place is draining and unhealthy

"They are not safe Tommy I'm telling you, we have to go get them" I told her banging on the desk as i let my emotions take over me

By now I was crying ugly

"Baby yes they are the system has them" She tried to comfort me

"No you dont know what it's like. They are going to hurt my babies" I said

I felt a huge weight on my chest. I couldn't breathe any more. I tried to talk but nothing came out

"Brooklyn. Baby are you ok" She came over to me almost panicking "HELP! SHE'S HAVING A PANIC ATTACK" She yelled while trying to help me

I never felt anything like this before. Its felt like a hammer was hitting me repeatedly on my chest

Four nurses came and escorted me out of Tommy's office on a stretcher

"She's stressed out too much, it's too much for the baby" I heard one of the nurses say

I felt a needle get stuck into my neck. My eyes started getting low

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